
Not exactly on topic but: Does anyone have context for when the transition between Danyeres "I want to break the wheel" and Danyeres "He must bend the knee" happened? (Also, I've always wondered what she expected the world to look like after she broke the wheel. Where would she live? Would she farm? She does know that

Marry? I don't think Euron really cares about that. Besides, I think it's common knowledge she's a black widow, so it wouldn't be very wise for anyone to marry her. He wants an allegiance with her and I do think Cercei is petty enough to want Ellaria and her daughter dead more than almost anything in the world. The

If the maesters have access to actual magic, i would think they would want to keep a lid on both the magic and any un-magical advances, to consolidate their own power.

I think it was a "just in this case" thing with the touching. Like, the NK touched Bran during that specific dream, and so he was connected to Bran during that specific dream. Once Bran moved, unless the NK could touch him again in a dream, it was disconnected.

I think (it was dark and blurry but I think) the whip had like, grappling hooks on the end?

Euron promised Cersei a gift. I think that heavily implied he knew what Cersei wanted most in the world is revenge - either Ellaria or Tyrion, the two people Cercei thinks killed her two older children. That gift is 100% Ellaria, the woman who killed her daughter, and Ellaria's daughter, so that Cersei can torture the

I think Sansa is being smarter than you are giving her credit for. I haven't seen her trust Baelish since calling him for the Battle of the Bastards - she is keeping him close, she knows what he wants (he was dumb enough to tell her everything) and I think she will seriously side-eye any advise he gives her.

i am pretty sure there have been winters without White Walkers, so there will be a winter in Kings Landing whether or not they get there. It will make it easier for them, and they will make it worse, but winter does not depend on them .

Brandon was engaged to Cat and was at Riverrun, where LIttlefinger was being fostered. Littlefinger "challenged him" for Cat's hand in marriage, and Brandon gave him a scar from "navel to collarbone," Littlefinger tells Ned in S1.

Edd seemed fairly convinced.

Ned's brother gave him a scar from navel to collar bone, when Littlefinger challenged him for Cat's hand, when they were teens, IIRC

To be fair, Melisandre never says she thinks Dany could be the PTWP. She might be just trying to enlist her to help in the fight.

Lyanna Mormont is a counterweight to Littlefinger all on her own.

The bodies were the two Sand Snakes that Euron killed - one, he shishkebobed on her own spear and the other he strangled with her own whip. They are still with their weapons/means of death on the ship at the end — one speared into the ship prow and the other hung by the neck off of it.

I wish he had said something to the effect of "I was trying to depose your father and get your brother Rheagar on the throne because he was a good man"

Stole? I think Robert spent it, or ordered it spent, and Littlefinger spent it as instructed, without telling Robert he had borrowed it (in part from himself)

Viserys could have been manipulated if he were led to believe he was popular, beloved, respected and feared, regardless of whether any of that was true. Would have been very easy to convince him what to do by making it seem like it was his choice… Reminds me of a certain current President that way.

I thought of that exact scene too! Which, I think, was prompted by Littlefinger's musings on Cat as well, right? For such a "clever man" he doesn't learn.

Cersei is going in a very bad direction since losing Tommen and Marcella.

He has always been that way, it's just that before, the things he did because he had to do them, he wasn't very good at. He seems very good at being a maester.