technically, hannah was born "of a handmaid." She is the child of a fertile woman, so is a good enough advertisement of the "goods" up for barter with Mexico. If I were trying to make that deal happen (shudder) I would grab any and every child
technically, hannah was born "of a handmaid." She is the child of a fertile woman, so is a good enough advertisement of the "goods" up for barter with Mexico. If I were trying to make that deal happen (shudder) I would grab any and every child
Fun fact: If you can put a real strand of real Tilda hair in a branch from a real Tilda tree, you'll have the Elder Wand.
Those are some really dumb and unnecessary extensions she's wearing in that photo up there.
I think that helps my case, though. She'd be even more submissive and beat down after the reprogramming.
Fair enough! I haven't watched yet, am at work (shhhhh) but very very much looking forward to it. Though that sounds insane to say.
Basically every dystopian story is the story of heros who rise up against the powers that be. It felt refreshing, and made more of an impact, that Offred really was depicted as just a woman, an every-day woman in that world. I think they made the right choice for TV, probably, but the book worked for me because of who…
It certainly made the book more painful. Her thorough depression and acceptance of what they were doing to her and the inevitability of failing any attempt to escape really made an impression on me when most dystopian novel heroines are, imo, much "stronger" than real people would be.
Juts because Russia is "worse" doesn't mean we should not point out and yell about and protest bad things happening here.
And not just a defeat in the election, but a defeat after having BEEN in the position. That's a resounding rejection, considering the advantage the incumbent has… No one has done that since… Cleveland? 1897?
Not sure if I got the same impression from the party as others. I didn't really see them enjoying each other's company. They were each dancing on their own. I didn't realize they were supposed to be enjoying each other at all until the "inside the episode" interview…
Honestly, that might have been my favorite line of the show. Her delivery is so perfect.
I'm John John under the desk!
I think you kind of missed the point of this article. This is a discussion about how do shows like New Girl and Mindy change the arc of a Romantic story, so that it can extend beyond the expected Romantic terminus. So much of what makes New Girl great is the show's universe beyond the tension between Nick and Jess,…
I have gone back and forth since seeing it last night, on thinking it was kind of out of nowhere, and then thinking, she is the kind of intuitive person who would recognize the fear on Celeste's face and the anger on Perry's and who would follow Celeste to see if she's alright. It works for me even without the…
Can't tell if anyone has mentioned this yet, but Bonnie's costume was Audrey in My Fair Lady:…
A lot of things.
Oh honey. Bless your heart. I think @avclub-2bae64ccc29ba96c677016f9588ff66e:disqus was making a joke.