
That's definitely possible, but I wonder how her petty and vindictive side might be strong enough to overcome her concern for appearances. She seemed to aim right at Bonnie's face for the last one.

Best part was seeing her face… she did it on purpose. In part to ruin dinner and in part to purge the wine and sober up, I'd say.

I also didn't say he assaulted her. I don't know who you think you need to lecture about this, but it's not me.

The ads clearly had people being interviewed by police. I clearly remember one lady talking about someone being a time bomb saying "tick tick tick boom"

But he is the most level headed normal one of the bunch.

My pleasure, dear.

To raise a sexual predator, you don't teach them that other people have the right to say "No," and have that answer respected, not ignored, not tolerated grudgingly, not complained about or guilt-tripped away, not belittled or mocked. Respected. To raise a sexual predator, you don't teach them that other people are

The point is that he is actively manipulating younger, impressionable, weaker women. He's not going after someone who is on equal footing here. He knows that they expect or hope for something from him. And he knows he has no intention of delivering anything. It's sleazy, manipulative, condescending shit.

I picked that up from a girl I knew in high school. Liked the way it looked. I still do it sometimes.

oh god the scene when he talks about shaving his head… :(

IS there a next season? I haven't heard, and this whole season feels very "wrapping it up"

She was also always kind of a victim of her father's cruelty and misogyny… she might not have been so evil if she hadn't basically been sold as a wife to a fat, drunk slob who never loved her.

I think it's pretty clearly NOT an engagement party. It is a party at which he learns, incidentally, that someone is engaged.

I don't deny any of those things about Jess. And I think she wouldn't either, if I may speak for this fictional character. The crucial difference being I think she would have been willing to grow up *with* Nick while he was resistant to the idea that he had to grow up at all, and that was what broke them up.

He kept all his bills AND all his money in a cardboard box and got mad when she suggested that wasn't a great idea. During a conversation about their future, he said he planned to spend his career as a truck driver. On Mars. I've had boyfriends like Season 3 Nick. It's fun. They are fun. They can be romantic, and it's

Good god, I love this show.

Retro patriarchy is bad for guys, too. It sets up stupid expectations for both genders.

I don't know that it's true that Rebecca doesn't love Josh. I don't know that she's capable of truly adult-level relationships, but she does respect and value his interests, supports him, believes that he's capable of things he doesn't know he's capable of. I think there's some true feelings on her part under all the

Ok ok ok, slow your roll . She didn't "get a proposal out of" Josh. She was making actual progress in therapy when he ran into a brick wall called "adult life" and decided the best thing to do was propose.