
He had lots of opportunity and encouragement to grow a spine and postpone this thing.

In reality, that type of guy would never let his own issues be known. He would swoop in, try to save the day, occasionally be "tortured" mysteriously by his own pain, and then leave her confused about why she's unhappy, because he's not really engaging on a deep level of emotional intimacy. #beentheredonethat

I believe Hector has a lot of one-night stands.

Paula tries… I mean, everyone around them tried to talk them out of this two week wedding thing…

agreed on the last point. I found Paula's withdrawal from her this season to be the most realistic part. Paula, underneath her own mania, seems to be the most grounded of all the characters.


While I would LOVE a Nathan Lane chat show, Lane would never be content to create a scene and then sit back to let the interaction between the guests take center stage.

I agree! The ending was tantalizingly ambiguous. Is he "good"? Is he using the cops? Either way, what will he do now? Totally wanted more.

reminded me of a lot of what I heard about Whitey Bulger. I wish they hadn't made Black Mass, Depp turned Bulger into a weirdo like all his other characters. Dude was not a weirdo, is a straight up murderer asshole mini dictator wanna be.

At my house we also just watch on demand. I watched the first half of Fire, then got a phone call, and then my husband came home in time for the second half. We were both so impressed with the half we saw, we wnated to watch the whole thing and checked if it was available on-demand, which is the only way we found out

your last point makes me think Buffer should be early, before Sabrina and Mickey begin to work together. Unless they don't and this was a one-time thing. Which would be bad for the series, in my opinion. We need some more Sabrina-Mickey mess-arounds. They should not be a good influence on each other.

"We were just kids."

Huh? I feel like this was some kind of "my son's father is his father's son" riddle. I do not compute what you are telling me.

Noooooo I already love The Mick and I should have known better than to get invested, but good god it's so inappropriate and so hilarious.

I will not be able to get any work done today while I spend all my brain power trying to imaginary cast this. I'll be on IMDb all day. I think the trouble will be finding someone willing to step off center stage. American celebrities/performers just don't seem to have that gene.

Aw, I thought his Tony opening number was adorable, as was his Broadway Carpool karaoke. It reminded me, he is just a big theater geek. Granted, I don't watch his show, like, ever, just because i don't watch that much TV. But from Doctor Who, Gavin and Stacey and the Tony's I still have a soft spot for him.

I genuinely adore the fans of this show. Its like we are all friends, through our mutual friends, who are cray cray nuts balls, which means we are all crazy too, and just sort of accept each others crazy. Gives me the warm fuzzies (NOT the fluffies. gag. Furguson. Gross.)

I agree, something didn't sit right with me in her scenes, i think it was the glasses, they were too opaque, but I didn't register it as anything more than discomfort.

Same! When I was a kid I didn't know anyone else anywhere had ever seen it. I was a weird lonely child. A few years ago my husband bought me a new one. We've moved a few times since then though and I'm not sure where it ended up.