
all the other attorneys are associates. Whitefeather and Partners would need other owners.

tiptoeing? They tapped on the glass of the fourth wall until it broke and like a cheap acquarium flooded the space and ruined the carpet. I get it, it was witty. It was also my least favorite number in the show so far.

The big thrill for him is confessing. He confesses to his victims as they are dying, he talks to the dead bodies in the morgue. Also, he likes the power of being able to do and say whatever he wants to them, as he has the power to wipe their memories.

They really relied on the sexism of older women like the grey-haired therapist being basically invisible and not worth paying attention to.

It's made more clear in the "confessional" scene with Sherlock and Smith: Smith arranges for junkies, runaways, real nobodies, to end up in rooms in the hospital with secret doors. He sneaks in, suffocates or OD's them, and gets his jollies, while people assume they simply died from their own sins.

euros is the name of the east wind. I remember in my big beautiful book of greek myths, it was sort of the wind that no one talked about. the mysterious and vaguely evil wind…


My husband spent the whole first half asking if it was supposed to be a trump-ian reference. I doubted the timing would have worked, but it will be wonderful in the hindsight of a few years to see how people relate to this character in Trump light.

it's so sad how close you were to accurately predicting his exact words. So predictable. Sad!

Outside Dave and Nadya? I mean, I know their names. But that doesn't mean they are more beloved than Tran. Where IS tran lately, btw?

to this SPECIFIC point: why don't you have a bag for these after the purchase, and why would you continue to carry them around?

what about a PEGOT! ALL THE AWARDS

I agree. Hollywood PUMPS out mediocre movies about mediocre white men all the time. And yes, the AV Club does a good job of calling them out. But I feel very protective of this movie. I almost want to buy like 10 tickets. Even if I don't like it, even if it's not perfect, we need more representative film-making. Not

yes, i remembered that flashback too, and thought it was an interesting point about sons (i am pretty sure it was a boy) needing their fathers, while if the baby had kept crying, it would seem more like, Randi's son needs Lee, which is a weird too-specific point. Anywya, thank you for backing me up, internet!

I felt weird crying in the movie. Like, I felt weird watching these people (specifically lee and randi in the reunion scene) in this moment. It was that good.

Yes, definitely, Beaver and Dick were the worst. But (HERE THERE BE SPOILERS)

If she needs someone to make one for, I'll take it!

If she needs someone to make one for, I'll take it!

The costumes in Brooklyn were breathtaking.

I had this one day in high school history where I was *that* kid who just kept asking insane hypotheticals, because I couldn't understand WHY Germany would respect Switzerland's declaration of neutrality and my teacher couldn't explain it satisfactorily. In fact, I'm still waiting! Why would Germany care that