
Do we know that's his last name?

I"m so confused how a review that ends as this does isn't attached to a grade of at least A-.

I think Maeve's paranoia being upped merely makes her more susceptible to question things, to push beyond the boundaries of her world. I don't think the responses to what she finds are programmed any more than your response to any situation is a result of your own DNA, etc.

I was really thrown, though, by the last scene with Maeve. She was clothed the last time we saw her, and then she was naked again. Why? What point did that possibly serve except to put boobs on the screen? It completely took me out of the scene to wonder, did they actually stop to take the nightgown off her? Is this a

Now, I have never been in this position, mind you, but I wonder if Tessa Thompson's character isn't a bit pleased to have such the upper hand in this relationship? She could sack him at any moment. She needs him, in some way, to keep the narratives going, to fill holes where Ford's new narrative is mucking things up,

I saw the jump scare coming for like, 15 minutes and still jumped.

I saw a review somewhere (should definitely stop reading like five every morning, I get them confused) that said her actions showed the completely unearned overconfidence. They have no reason to think anyone down there could hurt them. Pretty much all of the "survival instincts" has been set to 0 in the techs.

I don't know how much we are supposed to trust Ford's explanation for the presence of his family. Maybe Arnold made them as a gift perpetuating Ford's one happy childhood memory. Maybe Ford hasn't told us one goddamn truth yet.

It's also, if you want to add another great metaphor layer to the show, the actual first name of Nabokov's Lolita. Who was also blond, and raped repeatedly, and a cypher upon whom men projected a lot of things that might not have been what she was actually thinking.

But, like, imdb and the HBO websites are both easily accesible and both say "Dolores" which makes sense in a thematic way.

she has also repeatedly been able to override the "sleep mode" so they know it's not a viable option

she has repeatedly shown a real aptitude for overriding the sleep mode. why would they believe it could work on her now?

They said that someone with a higher security clearance had already adjusted her personality code, for instance increasing her paranoia. Remember that Maeve has been working on figuring this out for a long time - all those drawings under the floor boards? And it seems that she has figured out a way to override the

I particularly found the nudity in the scene at the end where they increased Maeve's intelligence to be odd. It completely took me and my husband out of the show, because in the scene before that, she was clothed. Did they actively take the nightgown off of her? Why? What purpose does the nudity serve in that scene,

She's been running a brothel for 25 years, after all.

I could accept this. I'm not sure I do…. but I could. I could come around. I'm still a little mad about it though.

or…. Maeve.

Greek? Or some other type "college" show… I think.

THANK YOU. I do not feel that was adequately addressed, especially Nick's sweating problem.

NO. Why is no one else mad, like me, about this sudden diversion from Nick's inability to lie? I mean, maybe I'm the only one who remembers that he breaks out into a torrent of sweat whenever he has to lie? But it was a plot point of several early episodes. I am actually mad at the writers for this "keepers of the