
She was whipping votes! She was busy!

Is there any chance that's not Jon but rather Bran vision-questing his way onto Dany's balcony?

Which makes the "Bernard is a Robot" theory the more interesting, as we have an obvious Miranda, a Ferdinand in a cowboy hat, a likely Syrcorax in Arnold… and if Bernard is a robot, an Ariel. So…. who is Caliban?

That's a line from The Tempest. Which is definitely the most analogous Shakespeare play to what's going on in Westworld. Actually, the more I think about it, the more it might even predict some future action…. HM……

OMG just had the most basic fucking realization. Dolores. The name. It means "to suffer."

It's like with the picture her father found. To Dolores when she's working properly, it literally "doesn't look like anything." To Dolores when she's kind of glitchy, it's there.

Well, they may be hosts who override the "program" of the bullets/bodily harm program. The Stray overrode the "partially decapitated" program. And we've seen hosts be immune to bullets before, when the one guy gets shot and keeps traipsing around the saloon, drinking milk that pours out his bullet holes. There's an

I thought it was Ursa Major, but my excuse is the bear carvings were a red herring and it was upside down at the time… Kept waiting for the camera to pan up and show there are no stars in WestWorld.

Hearts in Atlantis, based on Steven King book

I don't think it's predictive, since William picks a white hat, but if he is led into his asshole coworker's way of living in this world, he will do black hat things. But it was a symbolic choice of his at the beginning, who do I want to be here in this world.

No no. I live in nh. I hate my neighbors.

Well if the map had an "Appalachian" region it could have been in that. But it doesn't, so it can't, and it can't be in the Northeast either. New Hampshire's already there and we don't want to share the rank of "most ass backwards state in the region"

Cannot understand how WV, VA and MD are considered "Northeast." There is literally a line, north of Maryland, that delineated where the South begins.

she's been working hard to find another perfect part, and it's too bad. she's great, just… nothing will top Giselle.

Oh gosh that makes me want to start dream-casting the movie now. Who would be the best punchable Caroline? Natalie Dormer has that just right, "maybe I'm scheming, maybe it's in your head" smirk…

Is there going to finally be a rush on Katherine Paterson books becoming movies? Like, dare I ask, Jacob Have I Loved…

I didn't know who she was ( haven't read any comics, still love comics-based shows/movies) and I can tell you, they pretty clearly "subtly" telegraphed that she was *not* an auditor.

Her bit on pinterest was pretty spot on making fun of basic white girls. This video seems… sped up somehow? but you'll get the point.…

Thanks, will check out. She's definitely grown on me in recent seasons, but the first season, I was like, eesh.

I know nothing about her… she has always seemed to me like the weak link in the group. Honest curious question: What has she done that you've liked that makes you want to put her in charge?