
Regan came back for CeCe and Schmidt's wedding, and Jess magnanimously said some things that made her open to the idea of a relationship with Nick.

OMG, Fancy Man, one of the best uses of True American Hero ever.

It's like they realized, he's not really a character, he's the weird guy. And then they RAN WITH THAT. HARD.

I started that movie one night at like, 11 pm, and fell asleep and I was actually disappointed in myself. I was so tired, but I was so fascinated by her character. I was really mad at myself for falling asleep. I will have to go back and rewatch again soon. She was mesmerizing.

I especially loved that they gave Dustin, who had been for some time the comic relief, a layer of capability and wisdom. He was my favorite, and then they made him even better.

Re-posting my other post: I assume they set up that cop/former soldier/upper-downer addict and his
corporate/government handlers as the new big-bads and I'm eager to see
what they do with it.

I assume they set up that cop/former soldier/upper-downer addict and his corporate/government handlers as the new big-bads and I'm eager to see what they do with it.

No last week Quinn called Ruby's father.

Yes, I really saw a much more sinister Quinn that this reveiwer did. In fact, I went so far as to think, Coleman isn't Rachel's Chet. Quinn is. She manipulates and controls Rachel the same way Rachel manipulates and controls the contestants. It's terrible for her, and there's no way out.

I am not entirely sure how you got in my head, but everything you wrote is my exact thoughts, except I DID forget it was on last night but, it wasn't the fourth that made me forget because i celebrated on sunday. Weird.

The WHOLE brand thing was …. off. Bad writing, bad plotting. bad everything.

Didn't it also win a handful of Peabody awards?

I agree. also, she needs HIM to like HER so she can stay, which she says she wants to do for her agenda, but probably also wants to do because, who likes losing?

i found it really compelling that he talked about how his mom alwasy told him he had to be better, no hoodies, no being out late. it's "the Talk" that many famous Black parents spoke about having with their sons after Trayvon Martin's murder. It's an interesting and unique portrayal of a young Black man on TV, and I'm

Quinn certainly seemed to take Rachel's betrayal and harden to a level i didn't even know was possible.

Mmhmm, I predict final three: Ruby, Yael and Tiffany.

I'd like to know the odds of viewers OR Jon learning who his mother is this season. Is there any chance Bran can get to Winterfell this episode?

Benjamin the most useful assassin who everyone forgets about when the writers decide they need to be in peril by their own stupidity. Sigh. This show drives me nuts sometimes.

I'm not so sure. SHe asks where he is, and then we cut to him waking up tied to a chair in the kennels. I read it as she arranged that. She's the only one who would see the justice in it b

omg, right?? Take Art with you, you stupid clone! he is very useful!