
My exact reaction. "Hm. That would be pretty cool, narratively. Doubt they'll do it, but it would certainly be cool, and show that they know what they're doing. So they'll definitely not do it."

i didn't read the comics but i find him to be very charismatic, but its a lot of internal struggle right now. i think he's doing a decent job telegraphing it.

I thought that was a Moriarty character…?

I had that same reaction! Like, slowly dawning extra level awe

It is a major gap, in my opinion. He was getting more context at one point - there was a cat he dearly loved, remember? And now he's just a mindless sycophant for Clone Club.

I cannot believe that I predicted something so close to accurate. Not here to gloat. Just amazed and came back to make sure I didn't dream having posted this. I shoulda bought a lottery ticket tonight.

I can't believe the torture episode of S1 of Outlander isn't on here. I will never watch it again, but damn, it was a good episode.

So true. It might be Jamie as someone said, through some kind of convoluted lineage tracing, but in the end, if Tommen dies, no one will care about lineage, they will just take the throne.

I obviously meant legitimate as in "non-bastard-born" so the Gendry-stans would know that yes, I am aware he is still out there rowing somewhere. But oh, I'm so glad you chimed in with your incisive comment.

I like that too. I mean, I like mine more. But yours would be fine.

I just don't think so. It's been too long, far too long. It's only been, what, 1.5 seasons since we saw the Hound, and he was technically alive, and it's been 3 since the Red Wedding, when Cat was quite indeed dead.

10/10 would watch

the only bet I made last week was on the under. I'm making it again. They can't burn through named characters this fast all season. If I had seen any images from Braavos during the trailer, I'd put money on the Waif, but I didn't. this will be the second half of the table-setting for the climax of eps 8 and 9.

Who would even be next in line? Technically he's on the throne because of Robert. Robert's legitimate family members are literally ALL dead. Is there a single legitimate Baratheon? And even if we go with, well the Lannisters would take control… which? Jamie? Kevan? Neither of them really has a claim…

I dont even understand the structure of the phrase. Is the target for Starks to hit? Is it a target shaped like a Stark? Is it a target that all Starks have? Because none of those make narrative sense with the show

Oooh, it would be kind of fun if they opened the episode right after Arya left him. Slow, quiet montage of him being found, passed out and almost dead (but still a little alive!) by a monk, being nursed, gaining faith, etc etc etc. And then, I don't know, Jaimie comes to town. Or whatever happens in the "present"

but desperate men fight fiercely, think of those fighting pits in mereen

I'm betting its more, we meet the Brotherhood again, and the Hound is with them, or something like that. They are setting this up from both sides, Cersei's need to challenge the faith in the King's Landing scenes, and bringing us back to the Riverlands where we could possibly meet a priest with ressurrection powers

I don't know that I cry at the beginning of UP because I'm sad, so much as because it's a very moving and effective sequence. Seeing two people who love each other more than anything, it's enough to move you to tears. Also, I can total empathize with the idea of saving up for a big trip or something, and finding life

Oooooh, I LIKE This!! I have never been a big fan of LSH coming back this late in the game. There would need to be too much exposition to fill in how she came back, when, why, etc. This would make SO much more sense.