
dragons, smoke babies, ice zombies and resurrections. and yet you decide to pick the "implausible" battle with a fictional character's weight. you're just a jerk.

I dont think we'll have to wait that long. I bet she'll show up the week after next.

Meta question here: Why do child actors so often go for the three names?

Loras is in jail for being gay. I don't recall him doing anything particularly bad other than being a rich, noble-born prat. kinda selfish, self-interested, and gay. If those first two are reason enough to justify the Sparrow's treatment of him, then the entire Westerosi noble population should be in jail.

It almost seems to me, that the show runners love Arya as much as the rest of us. And while they recognized GRRM's knotty narratives in Westeros, and for example, kept Sansa in the main mix instead of off on her own, they didn't see that GRRM's plot for Arya was probably pointless and wouldn't have a clean plan for

I know that the best remakes and reboots offer something new. And judging from the two minutes available of this movie, it is more of a rehash. But I still think it will be plenty fun, as fun as the original. Maybe nothing more, but probably nothing less. I have enjoyed our reasonable conversation on this topic. Well

It's a movie about ghosts that spew slime all over people. Maybe askign for depth and character motivations besides "Stopping the ghosts" is a little much?

I'm just curious, what about the movie concept is different/worse than the movie concept of the original?

See, I saw the trailer. And I saw, uptight professor gets slimed. Weirdo pair of paranormal investigators start being taken seriously and kind of don't know how to handle that. Black sheep joins the group, shakes things up. I thought it looked as funny as the original Ghostbusters probably looked to someone watching

McCarthy, Wiig, McKinnon and Jones are not tired old hacks who only had one joke to begin with.

it's only coercive because a powerful minority (white men) don't want to treat everyone fairly.

I've always found it odd that the same fans who revel in fanfic forums that riff on the original material get soooo bent out of shape when an actual studio does the same thing.

Yeah, I didn't get a super good look at Hodor's eyes, but I remember them being normal eyes when he was dying. Not white warg eyes. But I need to rewatch, but I can't bring myself to do it.

Do we understand WHY the Nights King wanted to kill the Three-Eyed Raven? Any reason besides him obviously trying to help the other side in whatever war this is?

LOL at your impression of Tyrion "I was a slave for a week so I speak from experience" Lannister, and your weak counter with two women who have rubbed some people the wrong way against my entire encyclopedia of men who don't give a shit about social niceties. Excellent troll, man.

thank you!

1. uh, YES, men get to be assholes without repercussion.

Your comment's vagueness confuses me. Nothing I said was a lie, and I'm not naive.

I took away from this column that maybe the viewers and media could pay more attention to her, not the show. The show has portrayed a pretty badass, wily and witty, willful and crafty young woman who uses her increasing power to benefit a lot of people in a very wise and self-preserving way - being the people's

My better judgement tells me not to engage with you, considering you dismissed all of feminism as bad writing… but. well, it's monday and i don't want to work.