
my prediction, based on not much honestly, is that he goes to castle black ostensibly to recruit Jon to join the Vale's attack on Winterfell and rescue Sansa. Jon is not really a threat to anyone who wants Winterfell. Not in the show's understanding of his parentage, or in his real parentage.

and one can be a badass athlete, and warrior, and be gay, and be totally and utterly broken by emotional and psychological torture.

well, no. it's not an automatic. it's not like, every stark can warg like bran. it's that being targaryan makes her more likely to have fire powers.

His info, at least what he told Royce and Robyn, was out of date, that Ramsey has Sansa.
He's probably banking on letting ramsey kill sansa and jon, if he's even worried about a bastard who also happens to be, for all anyone knows, pledged to the NW, and assuming Rickon and bran are dead in the wild north. No one

If not the fire, maybe the smell of the cooked meat.

I"m pretty sure he's been after Winterfell/the independent kingdom of the north, since forever. revenge on the Starks for humiliating him and "stealing" Catelyn.

i don't think its that empty…. i also don't think her "winning" anything can be "the end" of anything, because as we're seeing over and over, she kinda leaves a mess wherever she goes. with the exception of melting the White Walkers with dragon fire, I don't know that she would improve anything in Westeros.

Very. Jon sets out for the Wall in the premiere, when the rest of the family heads to Kings Landing. There wasn't much time for them to be on screen together, and their lives at home probably didn't overlap much. Sansa wasn't at the beheading of the deserter, for example, and Jon wasn't allowed at the feast because of

If you wanted all of the scenes to fit your theme, i would say it's less about women ruling and more about scheming and mental toughness, instead of the old "might makes right" philosophy. LF got the best of lord royce because he pulls the strings of Robin arryn, even though Royce IS bigger, and has more men. Margery

i dont know if it was supposed to, but it felt very much like, oh, here we go again, let's conquer an unrule-able horde of foreigners and then not know what to do with them. That is what Dany is to me, a very clear allegory for colonial ineptitude, but like, it's a point that's been made a few times already.

just the books


I did too… there was a moment, and I haven't rewatched, but my initial impression was there was a dragon of fire that attacked the khals when they were trying to open the locked doors… she was controlling the flames.

Jon Snow and male Stark heirs have no conflict. They are not fighting over anything.

Are you new here? People have been complaining about that since… Dany's first conquest.

Also, Edd's eyebrow at the whole thing… I totally appreciated the moments of levity in this episode. Desperately needed.

And money. Those clothes were the fanciest we've seen in a long time, on anyone except Lady Olenna. The crown is going broke, but Littlefinger is doing juuuuuust fine.

I thought the very end, with Daario taking a knee, was a nice call back to his bragging about "riding the dragon" and "it's so hot you wouldn't be able to take it." Like, dude, you have no idea what you're talking about, she is, underneath it all, way beyond your league, too.

Yes, I thought it was a nice reminder, while we're all feeling so bad for Theon's sad homecoming, that he really, really screwed the Stark's over again and again.

And Summer, Bran's wolf.