
I heard "or fathers ghost"

It sure seemed to irk Edd. He called Jon on it right before Sansa showed up. But I think the Pink Letter convinced him Jon has to help his "sister"

The real question of the north now is, was Oshawa acting alone? Did smalljon bring them as a gift and she is trying to get out of it or was this a plan? And when Jon and Sansa write to the Umbers for support, will they ride or will they tell Ramsey of the coming horde?

From the next week preview, it looks to me like MK comes back, that "Trojan" in the computer wiping the research…

and it was trying to cry …. :(

Oh precisely, Arya is faking it. Better than ever.

Ok ok, whatever, Ilyn isn't on the list anymore. But Cersei? She's on everyone's revenge death list.

Since when are teenage orphans supposed to be fair in writing their revenge death lists

They've replaced actors before, though. The Waif just dwelt on "that's a short list, aren't you forgetting people" for too long. it had to be important, I think.

Some thoughts about the Stark girls:
1. Arya left a few names off her list. Has she actually forgiven and forgotten for Cersei, Ilyn Payne and whoever else…? OR… was the Waif's whole thing about "That's a short list" supposed to make us notice the shorter list, and see that Arya is finally able to lie to the Waif

ZERO. Gendry is gone. Gendry is not coming back. can we please stop talking about Gendry?

Ok ok ok ok BUT if Jon is going to be all "now ends my watch" and go kick some Bolton butt, someone has to take over leading the Night's Watch. Maybe Alliser will fall in line a little better now that Jon is "some kind of god," as someone is saying in the preview. all I hope is Davos doesn't get stuck at the wall to

Fucking Gendry jokes. Make me want to punch my computer.

THIS ^. We do not need another Gendry for the online fandom to keep bringing up. That baby is d.e.a.d. and so is Lady Walda.

soooo…. 32-year-old Mila is old enough to have a 10(?)-year-old child and a 8(?)-year-old child, but has also been working long enough uninterrupted to be in a position to be someone's boss. mmhmm. sounds legit. totally realistic and not at all nonsense.

THANK you. This. It's not like the fans of this show never let go of loose ends and harp on them forever and ever *cough*Gendry*cough*

for crying out loud, if they had ended the scene there, people would have been wondering "Did Ramsey kill them? Or did they get away? Where's baby Bolton? #trueboltonheir #neverforget #thenorthremembers #WaldaWeBarelyKnewYe" forever. It would have been just another Gendry for folks to bring up over and over and over


If they pulled back, and Ramsey, for example, didn't kill the only threats to his own power, it would be completely out of character.

Uh, he seemed pretty pissed anyway