
because he was already married with kids, thats why they couldn't have just married each other

But more like "legitimate" since he was already married and had kids… and dany's claim is just as strong at that point, and honestly, she'd be shite as a ruler of anywhere, as we know now

Question that I've been meaning to ask anyone who cares to answer: Would it really matter if Lyanna ran away with Rheager vs being kidnapped?

you are certainly a most amusing and unpredictable troll, I'll give you that. never know what you're going to pop up with.

I'm thinning Loras will get shanked or die in a trial. Y combat or something.

That didn't seem to be … on the table … in this conversation. Get it? On the table? Get it?

But what did she ever do for Felix? He's got plenty of reasons to feel that she takes him for granted, even as she does selfless thigns for her sisters.

I know everyone is enjoying speculating about Kings Landing in a post-Tommen world, but if Thorne bites it, who's in charge at the wall? Dolorous Edd? Ghost?

the lineages more than the plots, honestly. history, he's good with. future, not so much.

My crazy prediction: Margery will be the super religious one, will turn Tommen against Cercei.

but she didnt say what size. maybe tommen lives for a long long time, he would still get a gold shroud if his family is around.

Yeah, this oddsmaker is not a very good one, considering i think he didn't do much research about the expected storylines this year. Spoilers?…..

I imagine he'll last to see Jon resurrected, and go out in a blaze of glory serving a man who deserves him, unlike Self-righteous daughter-killing religious-fanatic Stannis. I always hated Stannis and I'm glad he's dead, there I SAID IT.

It would have been very cool to see Ariane vs. Ellaria (in place of the Sand Snakes as a group, using them only as back-ups.) Some real female power struggles for control of a kingdom

I rewatched it this morning. The camera lingers on the guards while Ellaria says "You don't even know your own people, how disgusted they are with your lack of action." So, yeah, I think they won everyone over ahead of time. Dorne's going to war.

Oh ok, I've noticed that, just considered it to be acne. Anyway, another week to wait for more!

I don't think Helena has one either, right? She's been captured by all sorts but not by Dyad/Neolution, right?

Does MK have a noticable scar?

Does anybody have an idea how Mr EMT knew it was Sarah and not MK just by feeling her maggot-implant with his finger? And yes, that is as gross as it sounds.

No way she knew about Rachel, and If she did, there's no way she'd impersonate her with a wig that looks nothing like Rachel's hair..