
You were just doing what the rest of us have wanted to do for years...

When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.


We are long lost siblings. *pats shoulder awkwardly, having never learned affection.*

Maybe I’m just not a romantic, but there’s no time period I’d rather live in than this one. Or maybe the future. But right now we have disposable tampons, birth control, antibiotics, air conditioning, divorce laws, safe abortions (where available) and surviveable c-sections. I’m a cynic and I bitch a lot about what

x2. I went to a college on the other side of the state, and didn’t hear from my mom once until I called her to let her know I was dropping out because the west side of Michigan is AWFUL (4 months of endless snow, ice, and grey skies (also my first Thunder Snow) exacerbated my depression). Then I didn’t hear from her

One very busy lunch hour, I stood behind a guy in line at Subway who started bitching out the sandwich artist for only having 8 types of buns available. I interupted him and told him that he was being a completely elitist dick for no good reason, seeing as they probably have the largest bread selection of any

You also aren’t allowed to whine that your absurd special order isn’t in the computer system so you are going to be charged extra. The “surf and turf” at Subway (barf) has to be rung up as double meat. (It’s crab meat and steak, it smells awful). No you will not be charged as an Italian Sub for a pepperoni/salami,

Secret Star Hacks.

Try clicking slightly to the left of the star. Why? Who knows...

I have a super secret life-hack for when I eat at McDonalds. I get extra ketchup and mustard, and then... I put them on my burger. It’s amazing and everyone should try it.

It's the pram the queen used for her children.

I’m going to have to find a way to incorporate dildochugger into my everyday vocabulary.

I think the general consensus has been that keeping silent on serious issues isn't the best way to deal with them.

because people need to realize that this IS NO WAY NORMAL that a man or woman can take advantage of you at a young age. This woman was courageous enough to put this up for EVERYONE to see and realize that this is common and there should be no judgment on the child, because at the end of the day regardless of your age

Because keeping things taboo will never fix the problem. If society doesn't have conversations about touchy issues like this, these type of problems will never get solve. Yes, commenters will go ham on what she said, but if this story makes it to a single person going through a similar situation, it may help. And if

I'm 45. And I don't see anything wrong with her talking about this.

I'm 50, and I'm with you. Abusers love it when people keep their secrets. The best way to combat it is to put it on blast.

I feel the complete opposite, though it might be because I'm 28. But, I feel like the more stories are out there, the more people that are affected by them can seek help and comfort, they see they aren't alone in the world. This is similar to the woman that experiences a miscarriage. If she thinks she is the only one,