
Jesus WEPT, Gabs! How about a fucking TRIGGER WARNING or NSFW label on this dealie— before we start scrolling down looking for news & find only a neverending cavalcade of horror photos?? I thought it’d be, like, 1 offending photo, but great baldheaded christ. This is like Faces of Death up in here.

at first i was sure that it was a very glossy bill murray, until i realized its actually tom hanks with white paint on him.

My partner’s family are all soft-spoken, very serious, very emotionally unavailable Christians and he really doesn’t know how to deal with my emotive, opinionated, anti-authority, atheist family, and the loud ass hearing-impairments just makes it worse. It took him over half a decade to realize we aren’t all

Often. I get your point and mostly agree with it. But may I offer an exception for those of us who are hearing impaired and often can’t tell how loud we are? Most of the people in my family are deaf or some degree of hard of hearing, and I promise that though we are loud as fuck, we are not actually that dumb.

I just googled brigadeiro, holy heck, I know what I’m going to be doing this weekend, diabetic coma, here I come.

Jamie: “What are we cooking today Lindsey?
Lindsey: “Meth.”

Royalty, too. Karlie’s “wedding date” is a mothereffing princess!

More important than all of this: how long do you think an already opened container of pesto stays good in the refrigerator? Hopefully forever otherwise dinner is looking pretty grim.

Just a friendly reminder that the Republican party thinks abortion is cruel and “life” matters. Reread this story, then take it all in. If the GOP gave a fuck about life, they would actually do something about the living. Not fetishize a fetus.

Over here (UK) the firearms laws are so strict that most people consider guns completely illegal. To get a firearms licence, you’ve got to have a 100% squeaky clean CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) record, as well two references from people not related to you, and the police approach your GP to check with them whether

They’re filming Ep 3 of series 4 as we speak.

because we refuse to make any changes.

My little sis goes to a baptist college and will probably marry a preacher or something and I look forward to poisoning the minds of my future nieces and nephews with my left-wing feminist agenda.

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.

Right. If a single baby takes 9 months, then twins must take 18, and triplets will take 27, so this must be one of the triplets.

The link to the Des Moines Register includes a picture of someone holding a baby/fetus replica. The reason I’m not sure if it’s a baby or a fetus is because the caption reads, emphasis mine,“Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina looks on as Jenifer Bowen with Iowa Right to Life holds up an example of a 26-mon

Yeah, the quality is generally dreadful. You kind of don’t own up to Primark generally, although there is a thing where you take a perverse kind of pride in it when you find something nice from there. It’s basically law that if somebody compliments you on your outfit and its Primark you have to yell ‘OMG I KNOW AND

Who has goosebumps just listening to her voice? She is amazing.