A Lantern of Hope

That we know of...

What about a mass boycott of Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Chevron, and BP? I go out of my way to avoid using gas stations owned by them, and use Conoco instead (Conoco seems to be the least evil out of all of them. Still evil of course, but less is less).

I flat out said that to my Boomer parents. They always had a “this is just the way things are” mentality, and my response has always been “fuck that.”

Methinks he wishes.

Nailed it.

Kirk: This is mutiny!

Where’s Arya when we need her?

As opposed to Donald, who became President and is destroying the world to spite President Obama for hurting his feewings. Or all the racist, misogynistic, xenophobic assholes who voted the walking toxic waste dump into power in the first place.

I’m just hoping they make out the entire time in front of Mike and Mother.

Well, considering she’s happily (I assume) married with two kiddos, I don’t think that’ll be an issue for her :-P

For fork’s’s a sandwich.

I’d be more inclined to forgive her racist past if it weren’t for her racist present.

Maybe. All I know is that in my head-canon, they are the same entity. But I’m thinking the showrunners would agree with you, and that the Legends Gideon is a later “model.”

Right, but Legends Gideon is still at least 100 years after that.

To me, the different actresses can be explained by who the two Gideons are interacting with. I see Gideon as adaptive in response to her her “partner” is. The Flash Gideon interacted with Barry, so her accent is American and sort of sounds like Iris. The Legends Gideon interacted with Rip, so her accent is British and

I think Legends Gideon is the future version of Flash Gideon.