Or he will, it’ll just mean something different.
Meanwhile, the children are saying “fuck off, Donald.”
Anal cattle prod :-D
That would definitely work too.
Duct tape would be a great first step.
Even they don’t want him. Deport him to the heart of the Sun.
Don’t forget their tendency to play the “don’t get defensive” card when you dare stand up against their bullshit.
“the forlorn alabastress”
She’s a white Republican, so of course she believes it.
Consensual backrubs can definitely take a person far.
And its prequel: Gorilla Warfare.
I prefer dragons to bullets though...
Genetically engineer dragons, take a few hundred of them back to Guanahani in October 1492, wait for three sailing ships, and then say the magic word:
Maybe he’ll have a rage-stroke and we’ll finally be rid of him.