A Lantern of Hope

Adam: the very first gaslighter.

Personally, I always preferred Lilith.

Oh wow, I had no idea. That certainly changes things.

That’s a good rebuttal. At a certain point a country has to be held responsible for its own actions. After all, a serial killer shouldn’t be able to use the failures of society as a defense.

Our attention has always been on impeachment ;-)

I’d sure as hell buy it...

You know you’re an asshole when the Nixon Foundation calls you out.

They learned it from us :-/

I actually have an idea in that vein if 2020 goes ill.

When I first saw the shutdown was ending for 3 weeks, my first thought was that Donald was only doing it so he could give the SOTU.

Considering what the Western powers have done to the Americas and Africa, it’s really hard for me to judge Japan. I’m not blind to what they’ve done, I just know I have no right to judge them, being a USan and all.

Yeah, the atrocities committed are undeniable :-/

While I can’t and won’t make excuses for what Japan did in those days — especially what it did to China and Southeast Asia — I think it’s important to not view its actions in a vacuum. A huge motivator for Japan’s actions was the fact that its natural resources were insufficient to successfully modernize. In those

It was extremely isolationist for 200 years before Perry showed up; and even before that, the only imperialistic moves it made were two failed invasions of Korea.

Yeah, but most of them can be traced back to that asshole Perry forcing Japan to open its borders in the first place, leading it to modernize in order to survive in the global market.

I’m extremely reluctant to make any judgments on a nation that my country has fucked over pretty much from the moment our countries met, but Japan should be better than this. But at least I can judge its government rather than its people. I don’t even know how much popular support this ruling has.

Where’s a horde of demogorgons when you need them?

It’s admiral that she was willing to commit a crime to seek help for this sick kid”