C’mon, Japan...I want to love you, but between this and restarting the whale hunts, you’re making it very difficult.
C’mon, Japan...I want to love you, but between this and restarting the whale hunts, you’re making it very difficult.
I just hate 40 percent of it.
Zari’s my fave character, and I love cats, so Zari Cat is like hyperawesome :-)
Really makes a case for a world government, doesn’t it? If nothing else, investment in space exploration would skyrocket so the rich a-holes have somewhere to escape to.
It’s really a shame to see the Senate become Donald’s Mitch.
And that’s not even factoring in banks’ sexism, racism, culturism, homophobia, transphobia...
Great, that made me imagine an erotic novel featuring Donald and I must now napalm my brain.
Great; on top of everything else, now we have the bubbling War of the Rosés to worry about.
Yeah, it’s hard to parody a reality that’s become so batshit insane.
You’re right, I should have spelled it like the “health” drink.
“I’m declaring a NATIONAL EMERGENCY to force NANCY to allow me to give my STATE OF THE ONION speech in the HOUSE and get the biggest RATINGS!!!!”
Anus accessories?
I was about to say...