A Lantern of Hope

C’mon, Japan...I want to love you, but between this and restarting the whale hunts, you’re making it very difficult.

I just hate 40 percent of it.

Zari’s my fave character, and I love cats, so Zari Cat is like hyperawesome :-)

Really makes a case for a world government, doesn’t it? If nothing else, investment in space exploration would skyrocket so the rich a-holes have somewhere to escape to.

It’s really a shame to see the Senate become Donald’s Mitch.

And that’s not even factoring in banks’ sexism, racism, culturism, homophobia, transphobia...

a good blowjob that involves teeth”

Great, that made me imagine an erotic novel featuring Donald and I must now napalm my brain.

tangled in his duvet but naked . . . very naked.

Great; on top of everything else, now we have the bubbling War of the Rosés to worry about.

Yeah, it’s hard to parody a reality that’s become so batshit insane.

You’re right, I should have spelled it like the “health” drink.

“I’m declaring a NATIONAL EMERGENCY to force NANCY to allow me to give my STATE OF THE ONION speech in the HOUSE and get the biggest RATINGS!!!!”

Anus accessories?

Speaker Pelosi to Donald:

I was about to say...