A Lantern of Hope

She’s my pick too, but I’ll support whoever wins the nomination.

“See you later, alligator.”

Damn, now I wish that was the long story.

That’s a fair response :-)

Well done :-)

Me too. It broke my heart back then, but now I know better :-)

To send everyone into the weekend, here’s a little multiversal pick-me-up:

Well, there was the time I consumed my own semen. The “why” is a long story, but I was surprised by how bland it was, though it ended up getting me high for some reason.

That’s what I’m here for; to give us all more pleasant things to talk about while still forming battle plans :-)

“The argument I guess here is: Would you kill Baby Hitler?”

Me too. When I was (roughly) her age, I was getting expelled from kindergarten, haha.

in 2016, Donald Trump privately instructed his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about secret plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.”

Me too! It’s better than bland scoring.

I think eternal torment is a bit overkill. Just have them (and Donald) be reincarnated as migrants who have to face ICE brutality for a lifetime or two. That should get the lesson across.

I love ice cream, but I personally need something a little more substantial to feel better.

emotionally manipulative scoring”

I think Covfefe is the name of the Demon God he worships, and the original “typo” was a Freudian slip.

Mexican food is the best coping food.

I literally laughed out loud when I first saw the headline on NYT. This is so ridiculous.

I read about the Pelosi trip, and my first thought was “wow, Donald has really gone all out to be a petty, vindictive parasite this time.”