That’s okay, I wasn’t married to the specific title :-) My idea is very...unique, hahaha.
Oh, he’s the key to taking down Donald if 2020 goes ill :-D
Aw, that’s so sad and adorable! She sounds like a sweetie :-)
The more I read about this show (and just world events in general), the less insane I think my idea for a Puppet Prophet is.
Al Pacino’s going to play him in the eventual biopic, right?
My daughter’s mother didn’t really show for like seven months, and then blammo! So I definitely won’t argue the possibility.
I’m just saying I don’t think she’s actually showing yet, and that pic is an optical illusion. I could be wrong, though.
“I’m an Asian trapped in a white body.”
Looks more like her shirt is against the waistband of her shorts. Waistbands of shorts and pants tend to jut out from time to time, especially if there’s a belt.
When my daughter was little, it was my favorite book to read to her. I’d do a bunch of voices which would crack her up.
Makes sense; after all, you can’t spell Christianity without “Chris.”
Well, I suppose we’ll just have to work on creating a new Afro-Eurasian (equitable) superalliance then :-)
On the plus side, this complete clusterfuck could signal the turn of the tide back to sanity.
You know, I’m starting to think this Brexit thing was a bad idea...
“Voting laws in New York are slowly becoming less of a national disgrace. I guess we will just have to content ourselves with all the other ways we are still terrible.”
Oh, fuck that. These people are heroes and should be treated as such. I assume No More Deaths has a legal fund we can donate to?