
Fuller's the only person who's made Kristen Chenoweth palatable for me outside theatre. Usually can't stand her, but he manages to get amazing performances from her. (The camp!)

The second episode of BG 2.0 alone killed it for me. Desalination of water is something that exists now and which cultures presently use to provide water. At the time I saw it, I was living on an island whose entire drinking water supply was from a desalination plant. Ridic.

I heard that as a joke. She may have been nominated for a James Beard award, but likely not for any specific dish. Herbsaint's Rebecca Wilcomb makes a mean lentil curry, but it's probably not what specifically won her the James Beard award (best chef: south).

Joss "Strong Female Character" Whedon never had any feminist credentials to lose — save those he proudly bestowed upon himself.

A rousing round of "Yakety Sax" is definitely what this episode was missing, aside from Robb's bannermen fighting back and trying to protect their king.

Whether Jaime Lannister played a role in the RW or not does not matter to Cat/Lady Stoneheart. It is that she *believes* that he did that is important.

Isn't it (Arya-as-)Nymeria who drags Cat's corpse to the riverbank, where the Brotherhood find it?

"The Red Wedding is a bravura scene, but it goes so quickly"?

I feel the exact opposite. Kristen Schaal is *only* tolerable to me as Louise, whereas when I see or hear her anywhere else, I am filled with annoyance to the point that I hate myself for hating on her, especially when I am agreeing with her message.

He was sleeping — you can see him laying down.

The man torturing Theon originally posed as Reek, a servant to Roose Bolton's bastard son who was taken prisoner, and gained Theon's confidence whilst Theon was in charge of Winterfell. He's one of the ones with Theon when the two orphan boys are killed in place of Bran and Rickon. When the Ser Rodrick and the other