
So here’s a thought: Bill Clinton really does not want Hillary Clinton to become President because it would not do anything for him, he is already living the life he wants to live and if his wife were to become president, his life would be circumscribed without the benefit of being leader of the free world.

I got Dachshund for one pic and Yorkshire Terrier for another

But I think we all owe Chris Christie a big Thank You For Being A Dick To Marco Rubio Last Saturday. That was fun to watch.

Blocking the stalker is not 100% foolproof, but at the very least, it prevents the stalker from doing what my friend’s stalker did to her, which was block her first, so that she could no longer know WHAT he was doing on FB, but he was still able to keep track of her (because once you are blocked by someone, it is

If you block him on FB, it just looks like you disappeared from FB. You can still keep tabs on someone you have blocked. For this reason, I highly recommend you block someone who is stalking you. A friend of mine had a stalker who blocked her and it was impossible for her to block him after that.

Not if the father was a person famous for being a self-involved thirsty jerk who doesn’t seem to care about other people and the kid has spent the past few months following the aforementioned sled-involved thirsty parent on tour. For example, Tom Cruise. Very few people seem to support any bid he may have for custody

If he does have a history, I am totally unaware of it, but then, I am barely aware of him and reading DirtBag is the extent of my celebrity gawking, so maybe?

She spit at this employee as well as sending very inappropriate texts.

I think for a significant number of Americans, her crime is that she rejected being white and, call me cynical, but I think those are the people she is talking to now. She may be sad she lost her job, but is she even interested in fighting for racial equality anymore, really? It doesn’t sound like she has much respect

Why are we still talking about Rachel Dolezal?

Who will be the Democratic Party’s drunk, pugnacious uncle now?

Cruelty was the intention.

Now I want to make celery ice cream.

Aren’t these the same men who think every woman they find attractive owes them sex because they are such nice guys and the ones who don’t are evil harpies? And don’t they often suggest a woman who would let a man pay for dinner, but then won’t have sex with the man is breaking a social contract? So, just to be clear,

The symbol ~ is called a Tilde

Can someone please tell me what the hell she means by #Brokewithexpensivetaste? She is flying in what looks like first or business class, so I can only assume she is complaining that she isn’t on a private jet and plans to take it out on the first flight attendant who tells her that, no, they don’t have #cristal.

This makes me excited, but it means we won’t get to hear the line “This is Mrs. H, she’s gorgeous, she’s one lady who knows how to take care of herself.” I loved that line. What does is mean to be lady who knows how to take care of herself? Does it involve martial arts? Knowledge of physics and math along with makeup

Donald Trump is going to be our next president because he is a perfect reflection of a good chunk of the voting public. They didn’t serve in the military, but they feel that supporting wars and waiving the flag should count for something, it should differentiate them from all the bleeding hearts.

Crab People Crab People, Look like Crab, Taste like People