
Then why make it the stepdaughter at all?

It looks indeed far-fetched. But about as much as a story about Chloë Moretz dating John Malkovich, and shot in black and white with the same style as Manhattan.

Why don’t you just re-write the articles with your slant, and then post it in the comment section for all to see the correct way they should be doing things.

Way to use a Hasty Generalization Fallacy to say that people shouldn’t have opinions that disagree with your own. Honestly I just find your nonsensical hot takes to be hilarious at this point.

People internalize all sorts of crap when it’s all they know, or when they don’t realize how insidious things that seem ‘small’ can get. Have a conversation with her and yeah, she’d probably have more nuance to whatever she actually thinks. Or she’d see why she could phrase something another way that isn’t gross. That

I will always love that movie for the animated armour suits kicking Nazi ass.

Only a fool’s hope...

I’m pretty sure that Matt Lauer, biggest name at NBC news, had a contract that protected him from a random firing. The fact that NBC preemptively fired him before the stories had even reached the press is pretty strong indication that there isn’t just smoke, there’s a 5-alarm fire.

No matter how good this is, if Meryl Streep wins another best actress Oscar I’m going to be pissssssed

I think it’s clear that “having no charisma” and “being a lizard person” aren’t issues that will stop NBC from hiring you.

When the news about Charlie Rose came out, one of my initial thoughts was, “I would have expected this from Matt Lauer, not Charlie Rose.”

This news absolutely made my morning.

I agree with Jojo who responded to you in the greys below. The two men are not comparable at all, as Kevin Spacey is a great actor whom I’ve never seen phone in a performance.

If he had just kept his statement to saying that he will continue to work with Depp because Depp is professional in the workplace and pleasant to work with, that would have been better I think. The whole tiptoeing around saying the accusations are without merit “oh well he’s never seemed like an abuser to me” and

Depp is barely a fraction of a percent of the man Vincent Price was.

I haven’t seen a TON of movies at the theater this year, but I’m a little surprised that Logan and Dunkirk are as highly rated as they are. Both were definitely good-to-very good movies, but I honestly found that the latest Spider-Man movie stuck with me for longer than either of those pictures.

““I can only tell you about the man I see every day: He’s full of decency and kindness”

Ummm... how is this old news if we’re just finding out about it? Sure, it may be old to him and others at Marvel, but it’s certainly not new or dealt with by any one else.

I really wonder if there was some personal grudge a Paramount exec had against some WB exec for some past slight. In my business even competing companies will generally help each other out unless there’s some long-standing personal animosity.

That’s what’s so weird about the DC movies. These are huge franchise tent poles that can define a studio for years, and they’re ridiculously slipshod. How are you throwing together a $400 million Justice League movie like it’s a pick-up football game?