
It’s the casual objectification. You can dress it up with qualifiers, details and excuses like you just did but it’s just the same casual objectification that we see day in, day out, ad nauseam. Using biology to excuse away objectification is a transparent and tired act.

I think this is where dudes lose the plot. A woman can be vivacious and friendly and funny around you and it doesn’t necessarily mean she wants to fuck. I mean, we don’t know they could be boning right now. And what a time they might be having! I just wouldn’t go by their friendly interview banter and the Joey

“The prime years”? You suck, pal.

To hell with all the ingrates who didn’t get it

The proper portmanteau of Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky is of course - Jennifer.

I mean I’d say hoping your wife gets r*ped by a “pack of n****rs” isn’t just a “mean thing” but that’s just me.

he seems to have done a good job of building a company where creative people could flourish

It’s this. It’s the idea that someone at the top (CEO, business owner, studio head,) is basically untouchable and that seems to go hand in hand with creepy behavior. As a woman who worked for many years in a company run by a man that acted a lot like Lasseter, there is a feeling that there is really not a lot women

The chronic sexual harasser I know was someone with no power. They were a loser - uncharismatic, few friends, lived with their mother, had never had a proper job. The short-term career plan when I left was to permanently get on disability for mental health problems so they wouldn’t have to seek work - specifically,

You can be a creepy sex-fiend and also be a victim of patriarchy. It can be two things, Inforashock.

I’m just so done with opinions about stuff like this that ignore the fact that we live in a sexist system. You might tell yourself you see people equally, but in order to do that, you have to put aside the incredibly skewed power dynamics that patriarchy thrives on. My counterargument to your specific point would be

An asshole who calls a female officer sugar tits when he’s drunk then pleads no congest to battery charges against the mother of his child a few years later should be called out. But you go ahead and minimize his bigotry and misogyny as a drunken mistake and just a fight. It’s not like those are symptoms of the larger

‘also had a fight with his ex-girlfriend’ - way to underplay the battery conviction he got for beating the shit out of the woman. But hey, he didn’t rape her so kudos.

True, but you should still try to be aware of this stuff if possible and not be complicit in it. I think a lot of men are complicit in it without even realising it because we can be so oblivious.

I think it’s good to share a story like that from a male perspective, because I think a lot of men don’t empathise with these stories or get why its such a big deal. This shit might happen more often one way than the other, but it can still happen to anyone who works beneath someone else and its never pleasant.

All right then, I’ll go pure sincere, since sarcasm isn’t your bag:

Thank you for sharing your story. I saw something - I think on FB- that also talked about not wanting to share her experience because of the “...cheapen the ‘real’ stories...” of it all, but she then pointed out that feeling is endemic to the problem itself. The fact that anyone has to take a step back and think about

I certainly understand the reluctance to jump into this conversation as a man; you don’t want to feel like you’re distracting from the horrific stories so many women are telling. But the truth is, you were sexually harrassed, she did have power over you that she abused, and it was wrong. You’re allowed to feel bad

I think it’s good for you to share your story. As a woman, I have often thought about things that have happened and just swept them away- trying to gage the “degree” of sexual harrasment. But they definitely made me feel bad and I remember them all clearly. What happened to me was wrong. What happened to you was

Haven’t put this on FB or Twitter or anything. Been thinking about it though.