
They started as a company that rented DVDs through the mail. Then as that idea became somewhat obsolete they pivoted to streaming. Then as everybody realized that any company can complete with them for the rights to stream content, they pivoted to original content. Netflix saw what happened to Blockbuster. They killed

I can’t read the language of the original article, so I’m not sure if there’s something lost in translation, but that doesn’t seem like so much of a denial and more of a “she’s strong enough to handle it” which is not a good response.

There is definitely a middle ground, but witch hunt has a specific meaning and that meaning is looking for and persecuting people for something that isn’t happening, a la the Salem Witch Trials.

By “morbidly curious” do you mean grossly erotically curious? 

And this is why anyone saying there shouldn’t be a witch hunt needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

...Except pre-Ike and post-Ike, Feige’s answer about a Black Widow movie hasn’t changed: he’s said he’d love to make one but <insert upcoming team up movie> is happening first, and they’ll see where they’re at with the character after that.

No, she didn’t have to do it and I don’t want to make a direct comparison but sometimes people find themselves in a situation they couldn’t imagine and don’t know what to do to get out of it. Or they feel obliged, sometimes contractually to continue. It is also possible that the situation started out fairly normal and

Funny how Fiege was able to get 19 male superhero movies off the ground before he could manage a female superhero movie.

Melancholia is pretty good if only because it’s a misogynist’s attempt at feminism and that’s interesting to watch. Kind of like Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

I am such a big fan of Björk that I didn’t watch this film because I didn’t want to see her get abused and destroyed (I only heard about the film so I may have that wrong) and I heard she didn’t enjoy filming. In fact I don’t know if I have watched an entire film by Von Trier because of what his actresses go

To them, persecution means removing their ability to persecute others.

I just remind them that nobody has ever told them they couldn’t say Merry Christmas and that Jesus cries when they lie about this.

There’s nothing Evangelicals love more than a good persecution fantasy.

Send in Scooby and the gang!

I love the idea of letting the two genres mix again as past attempts have been mixed to say the least (anywhere in quality from Blade II to Spawn with something like Swamp Thing in the middle) but man does this trailer look like every generic horror trailer out there. I get that horror trailers are notoriously poor,

You’re a special kind of stupid.

No, but if you touch anyone’s breasts other than your own without permission you’ve committed sexual assault. I’m sorry you had to get so far in life before you learned that lesson. Maybe now you can be a better person.

Yeah, that article really undermines this one.

If they deserve it? Hell yeah let ‘em burn.

So happy to see the show back - and to find there’s a way for me to catch the Tetis on TV without a cable subscription.