
“Without the gorgeous animation and bright colors, it just sounds...dull.”

Rural Japan <> Rural America. Not even in the slightest. And Urban America is only remotely like Urban Japan in a select few locations.

We don’t need this...a large part of what made this film work so much was the fact that it’s in typical anime style and relies on anime tropes... Not to say it can’t be made into a viable live-action film, but I’m very sceptical. (Not the mention this film will most likely not be set in Japan or have the same

Whenever I hear about Stephen King commenting on adaptations of his movies I can’t help but think of how much he hated The Shining and how shitty the made-for-tv version he had a hand in was.

John Wick seemed very much like they were trying to do a genre Korean action film in the US. That’s meant as a compliment.

Everything you said so far is retarded... I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out smarter arguments then these.

I haven’t worked in the film industry, but I have been involved in testing flight equipment in flight environments. Not keeping to a strict schedule and not being rigorous about making sure pilots don’t exceed their max daily/weekly hours is really fucking dangerous. Especially if you’re in crowded or somewhat

Here’s the thing though, if it was bad for you, it was just as bad for girl nerds. I’ll wager there were just as many nerdgirls back then as now, but we were not socialized or encouraged to have any interests outside of getting married and having kids. In certain environments, if you were a girl who expressed

Yes! And that attitude is one of the primary reasons so many of us kept our mouths shut as we were growing up. The shtty behavior of guys, to girls who were interested in nerd stuff, made sure many of us wouldn’t speak up to show our interest.

What is your explanation for the vast majority of these guys who are 35 and under? It’s been a couple decades now that having nerdish interests marked you as uncool.

This is exactly what it is. I’m a woman who grew up on nerdy fare thanks to a parents deeply into Star Trek, Star Wars, Kurosawa and Tolkein- and my dad was deeply into comic books. So, when my brother would have high school guy friends over, sometimes I’d overhear his friends complain that “I wish I could meet a girl

If there are women who have interests similar to theirs but women still don’t want to have anything to do with them, then maybe there is another reason that women don’t want to have anything to do with them.

She probably didn’t put much thought into it at all.

Frankly the worst thing Ghost in the Shell was stick too close to the original. They kept all sorts of Japanese imagery, including the lead’s backstory, and then cast a white actress as her. Fully Americanizing it might’ve actually had a point, The Magnificent Seven wasn’t just the Seven Samurai with an all white cast.

Oooooh, the truncated quote removal of context counter argument technique.

I was never a prolific commenter, but with this new design I just can’t be bothered anymore. The site’s layout is extremely unappealing, articles move off the main page too fast, it’s essentially impossible to have a conversation, you have to reload the entire page to see new comments, there’s barely any nesting so

Top to bottom is oldest to newest within threads, which means it’s sorted by “old” on all other commenting systems, not “new.”

There’s some sorting functions on the way! I don’t have an ETA yet, but I know folks are working on it.

This. I’m grateful for Kinjamprove, but I really want to be able to sort by time.

All of those are positive changes and the site has become noticeably less annoying. Please keep it up.