

Right. So folks are racist but have more time to indulge when unemployed I guess? Devil finds work for idle hands.

No, you didn't "focus" on Will Smith's statement because there was nothing to support your point on how the US views diversity. She referred to women, as a woman, he referred to black folk with a one line glib statement (which you acknowledged was the case). This was pointed out to you already. It's a strain to link

Huh? She stated in clear English that what she found disturbing was how women were portrayed in film not how many were cast. Before you think, spend more time on reading and comprehension.

Her point has direct relevance to the "quality and themes of the films themselves" so no worries there.

That's what I thought too. Even when some bad rumours trickled out people weren't taking them at face value. Not sure where this (AV Club) consensus that everyone had written it off before the review snippets came out is coming from.

Why would HBO want to?

He clarified that he intended your first meaning in an older comment.

Agreed. I understood why they did it and think your edit would have been better. We're coming along.

Yeah, it bugged me too. "Women-only" would have covered it fine…no reason to differentiate.

I was never too impressed by the original trilogy. TFA is def my favourite as well. Probably the first blockbuster since LOTR that I've enjoyed this much. Fingers crossed for Wonder Woman.

What kangaroo court over which individual right? Just state it rather than post as if you're in Star Wars making mysterious statements about the dark side of the force.

I can't help but find these glorious grandstanding positions on the Perils of PCdom astonishing in their absurdity.

Some may think so, as some do for Driver, but I doubt it's a popular opinion, which is what I meant.

There are a few stars who fall into that category for me. Margot Robbie and Kerry Washington are two actresses who look luminous on camera but often underwhelming in magazines. Photographers don't seem to know what to do with them…it's odd.

Yeah. Gwendoline Christie was everywhere so it made me expect her to do more than she did in the first film. But it's not an issue outside of that.

Gleeson!? If Driver is up for debate Gleeson has to be.

I've never known the Cannes coverage here to have separate articles for each film. It's usually split by the day.

The Duggars are back on air though. I don't think TLC dropped them for a full year.

You put a fire to it and, just like a leech, it falls off! Then the heat starts to make Hardy all sweaty so you have to start ripping your clothes to sop his fevered brow or…