
I haven't read the Spider-Man comics since I was a pre-teen but I could have sworn the Venom character worked as a foil to the MC. His super nemesis or something…? Kinda like Spidey but with tar or whatever coming out of him. Why would we want a Venom movie without Spider-Man?

I'm not sure that it matters. None of my family was into "film". I grew up on Saturday morning cartoons, Disney, soap operas and whatever 5 year old blockbuster film finally appeared on HBO/Showtime. And when I saw that silent Phantom of the Opera I was locked in.

One of my first VHS tapes (besides The Little Mermaid) was the silent Phantom of the Opera. I was engrossed. Still remember scenes from that film to this day despite not having seen it in over a decade.

Ah, thanks for the clarification.

That reads closer to real life law. I don't wanna make assumptions (yes I do) but anyone who lists "calling their house in the middle of the night" (because time of day is relevant somehow…?) as a standard to be met reads like someone who got their degree at Matlock Law School.

Me too. And how does Dear White People disrespect conservatives? I can't wait for them to expend their earnest energy to explain that one.

Not a one. I'm not British so it's allowed.


I reread The Silmarillion way more than LOTR, followed by Unfinished Tales. (I'm not a fan of The Hobbit.)

I had the exact opposite experience of so many. I read The Hobbit as a kid and it didn't make much of an impression. I have a better appreciation of it now, as an adult, really.

But people get killed in really cool ways!

Oh, come on, The Iliad is kinda golden, even if the style is a bit hard to get into! But I'm one of those who love The Silmarillion over the other Tolkien stuff and really hate "modern" translations of Beowulf so…

Lightning wielded by Manwë, preferably.

Ah, thanks! I never watched that first CA film so I only had the post to go on.

Huh? "Linked" is in its past tense form so it works with "were". Please don't hurt yourself with any further attempts to parse.

I think Captain Marvel is the new hero for 2020 so, yeah, push that back for Black Widow.

It's not the same. To state that it's not feminist but about humans is to imply that to mark something as feminist makes it non-human somehow. The intentions are sincere but the result is bonkers. And it's playing right into sexist standards for feminists to feel like they have to "de-feminise" the issue to give it

"posits the organization as a 'rogue' group that has broken off from the Nazis"

We're still in Easter season. It'll be a bit before Pentecost.

Does comic book hero popularity matter that much to box office success? I can't imagine that the part of the movie going public, in or outside of the USA, that made these films money bonanzas had any fucking idea who any of those Marvel characters were before the films came out. Maybe Captain America (in the USA only).