That's fine. It's much better for her if the story goes that way, frankly. It's a land that defaults to male leadership. The Tyrell women know that and work accordingly.
That's fine. It's much better for her if the story goes that way, frankly. It's a land that defaults to male leadership. The Tyrell women know that and work accordingly.
This idol worship of Ned has got to stop. Didn't the flashback puncture that legend yet? *I* never thought that opening scene of him killing the poor man from Castle Black was a sign of his impeachable honourable Justice Sword — especially after Tyrion described the kind of persons who end up there, and saw how easy…
I don't think his death in the show was "ridiculous" — it's in line with the world the characters inhabit. I'm not sure if I read your point right, tho, so apologies if I misinterpreted.
I mean, I can just imagine him having the Vale forces and Ramsay manipulating him into fucking the whole thing up. No, thanks.
In this show, Jon failed at a critical moment which was enough for me to be content that the Vale forces were not under his command.
Ha! If that's how it plays next week, the internet is gonna riot for Sansa making such a cold decision. I love it.
I imagine if they decided to wait it out Ramsay would have done something to provoke them and, either way, Jon would tumble head first into it.
I wondered where she was! Safely back at the camp with Ghost, I hope, and able to escape if things made a turn for the worst.
Sansa's decision to ask aid of Littlefinger was a last desperate move. It's not as if he hadn't made this offer before. It's not as if it wouldn't have given them a good enough advantage before, regardless of how many houses they hoped to have under their banners. We already rehashed it in that episode when…
Offended? We're having a disagreement in a comment section. It's cool though, you didn't have to get into it again. (Especially with all the caps. Calm down.) You stated it all clearly first time around. Not trying to persuade you otherwise.
Agreed. I figured that the role he played in endangering Sansa in the first place would, for him, be a major obstacle to taking any help from him seriously. I liked @Shrike Hyperion point, too, that she knew that Jon's love for Rickon would compromise him.
Felt more personal to me but sure.
The mixture for Sansa has been very very recent. She did not even have grudging approval. I remember it distinctly. They blamed her for every death from Ned's to the Butcher Boy's.
Sansa as "woman scorned" not someone who also lost friends and family? A rape victim (or is that how the "woman scorned" tag comes in? Barfarrific)? No reasons to give up what she believed in? You're all so transparent. Textbook, really.
EEEeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww. :-(
When even a 10 year old can undermine that argument, it begs the question why Littlefinger would bother with them. He could as easily let them rot and take it over from there by helping to give it to another Northern House or what have you. No surety. It bothers me to think that (rationalised) sentiment could have…
That's rich, considering he seemed to know full well who tried to kill Bran in the first place. When he was at the breakfast table with his fam he dropped loaded remarks about wanting to hear what Bran had to say, until Jaime questioned his loyalty. So…yeah. He needs to calm down.
Me too! There was a point when I had given up on the Vale Save and thought I was about to witness Jon's death.
I'm soooo glad he wasn't there tho. Jon would have gotten him killed for sure and I would have had to burn down….something.
Well, we part ways here. Sansa won the day. So many of the viewing audience wanted to the Starks to retake Winterfell, and if it weren't for her it would not have happened. She had to pull Jon every step of the way and save him when he fell into Ramsay's trap.