He survived because of plot armour. But I dooooo like this appraisal of Sansa's people skills. She did use Rickon as a way to get Jon to fight for Winterfell. My estimation of her improves by the moment.
He survived because of plot armour. But I dooooo like this appraisal of Sansa's people skills. She did use Rickon as a way to get Jon to fight for Winterfell. My estimation of her improves by the moment.
Right? As far as harms done in Westeros, dwarf jokes rank kinda low. What happened to his speech to Jon Snow in the first season about wearing it like an armour and blah blah?
Man, I did not know that so many were 100% team Littlefinger — as you would have to be, to so earnestly want Sansa and Jon to bet on him coming to their aid rather than dance on their ashes. If I were Jon I would have maybe laughed and done a Are You Kidding Me? face if Sansa had presented that as a viable option.…
Nope. Jon does not come under the same kind of censor at all, and even when he is criticised, he does not have to do much to gain approval, at least in this comment section.
I get that. (I wouldn't be so harsh on Jon if ppl weren't so willing to pile on Sansa no matter what she does.)
That's a fair point. Daenarys did promise them a lot of pillaging and plunder tho. There was nothing in her speeches to them about wanting to make the world a better place via dragon fire.
Didn't we just watch an episode in which even the lovely Lady Mormont asked where the Starks were?
*pops bottle of that nasty sour goat milk concoction*
He's fine when it comes to enemies that play by the rules and do things by the book. Classic battles. Maybe if he knew the Boltons better he would have managed it? I can't help thinking that even present day Lannisters would have danced circles around him as well.
Or from Ramsay himself, really. She experienced it first hand.
Ha! Who ever thought we'd be ranking a Sansa story line over Arya's? I like this show.
Is it confirmed that she knew they were on their way? The night before she was prepared to commit suicide in defeat—hardly sounding like a woman who is sure of her rescue. From Littlefinger. I can't imagine Jon doing anything but dismissing that alternative out of hand with no guarantees. You can't go into battle with…
Man, idk about Daenarys. I think when she has to juggle burning and ideals she's gonna pick the first.
Idk. I feel like we're assuming that this world is typically filled with awesome, noble, aristocratic leadership in which the people are always a priority somehow? Ramsay is likely the worst of the lot but I don't think Westeros is some free thinking society in which men only serve those who deserve it. In Camelot,…
Yes. That I found hard to believe. How the hell did this whole cavalry charge in without anyone having a clue? Ah well.
Yes, that's actually the one I thought of: The Battle of Pelennor Fields. The shots of the Rohirrim charge in ROTK, specifically.
Who says he would have believed her though? The man who sold her out to the Boltons is gonna come and save them and Jon, in that present state of mind, was gonna bet his men on it?
You know what could have saved hundreds of lives? Jon not completely fucking over his own plan in the first place. *That's* what did it. Not Sansa giving him a lot of maybes so they could strategise a maybe fighting plan.
What I know for sure is that if Sansa was in Jon's place and had allowed Rickon's death to lead her to such a fatal decision, the internet would be calling her worse than an idiot.
Thank you! Who would want to trust their troops to Jon Snow after seeing the fuck up he made of it in this show? It's bizarre to me, utterly bizarre to me, that we see the persistent foolhardiness, almost fatal sense of doom from Jon this episode, yet we're totally down on Sansa, and wanting to give him all the Vale…