He was doomed ever since Mike Francesa called him “SHWAWBOAR DA BUTCHA”
He was doomed ever since Mike Francesa called him “SHWAWBOAR DA BUTCHA”
That’s straight off the hall of fame official page so...take it for what it’s worth.
felt necessary
Stop. Are you one of those guys that pays to watch NBA regular season thinking you’re actually watching anything more than athletes collecting their paychecks?
A guys team would never do this on this level because women’s basketball is the only sport in the country where there’s only 5 great high-school girls in America, every year, and they all go to the same school because ‘that’s just what you do I guess’.
I think it would reset the clock back to zero. Here are the only rules I could find on the issue:
If I take a shit in the toilet, then nobody notices. If I take a shit on my kitchen counter, then it becomes a big deal.
Kotaku 47
They do nothing but post race bait articles. The chicken is finally coming home to roost. BROTHER
We’ve had some lady in our office win the last 3 years. She’s never watched a college basketball game.
We all know that smoking weed isn’t terrible and shouldn’t cost players a suspension. However, the rules are you can’t smoke weed or else you jeopardize losing the millions of dollars you’re being paid to play football. That’s it. Don’t take steroids or smoke weed.
This group of websites is fueling his campaign better than any medium to date!
There’s 30 million black men in the US and we can name all 28 that were shot by cops last year. In more than half the instances the cops were entirely justified. More white men were killed by cops last year than black men.
Most feminists haven’t made it past adolescence and don’t know what it means to be a strong woman. Complete joke.