
If you actually read the article, it’s not about the game being delayed, that happens all the time after all. It’s about their staff directly lying to the backers and then trying to cover it up later. The fact that it coincides with them trying to finish up funding on a Kickstarter that was already having trouble

Correction: They won’t stop till the $$$$ stops.

It’s all a lie. Somehow. Because Capcom.

If anyone ever feels the need to give Peter Molyneux money for a game title in the future, please consider some of these alternatives:

Word. I never really liked the US opening. 4 or 5 words repeated a dozen times. Not for me.

Im sorry but this ones needs to be DBGTd out of existance ;)

PC users have an unfair advantage; When the game’s running at 1 frame per second, you have far more time to consider your next move.

the PlayStation 4 version, however, is rock solid.

Don’t worry sony has back compat covered...through remakes. Tons and tons of remakes.

Hey!um, i’m batman?!

Ehh, no sympathy from me here, those dudes were asking for it when they started leaking stuff.

They already are.

There are minute differences between the first 3 modes, with 100cc and 150cc having tougher AI. But 200cc? Man, 200cc is completely MAD! Especially Baby Park.

Fahey wins the internet

Press X.

Do they really need a teaser for a game that is a cash cow for Activision? It’s almost a joke at this point. Throwing in a teaser for a COD sequel, is like leaving notes to remind yourself to breath later on.