
One scientist looks at the other. “What happens when the pink bar overtakes the blue bar?”

Whew, finally. Hideo Kojima isn't going to make MGS anymore. He's going to leave Konami. We can all finally stop with all of our twittering and pleading and hashtagging and Facebooking and snail mailing and regular e-mailing and pigeon carrierin—*remembers Silent Hills existence*

Ohh shit! He can't leave Konami yet!

Oh look, a video that runs five minutes, at the end of which I am still alive. Looks like a question answered to me.

While the video is hard to watch, most likely he suffered a Basilar Skull Fracture, based on the evidence of blood in the eyes, which is visible on the Youtube footage. It's hard to believe that a simple case of taking a bump wrong could kill somebody due to whiplash. However that is apparently what happened. Let me

The best part of growing up? Getting a well-paying salary job you love that lets you buy the things and experiences you want without worrying about having to save money.

Last night I traded in Evolve for Wolfenstein: TNO. It is easily the best decision I've made so far in 2015.

I'm a huge FF fan but I totally agree. I mean, a ten year development cycle for this? I mean, this game should be mind-blowingly awesome for the amount of work and money that has gone into it. If it's a solid 7, the series is dead.

Lol. I didn't buy a PS4 to play games that feel like they were designed in 2002. Most PS2 games play like shit by today's standards. Not sure how that's supposed to seem like praise.

Just like the small group of people that convinced them to release Xenoblade, which was so successful it led both to a New 3DS port and a Wii U sequel? Or the small group of people that convinced Microsoft to drop their XB1 DRM?

"I was hoping after the fiasco with AC Unity being so broken upon release they'd have learned a BIT of a lesson for their DLC."

2013 Moto X, non-root.
So I installed it, and everything seems to work OK, except I can't get this new Camera+ app to launch with the twist gesture. Twist still launches the original Camera app. I tried turning it off/on within the respective apps, but no joy.
Any ideas?

I've said this before, but I'm going to put another plug for it here because it's relevant: As an alternative, you can just use Facebook's mobile site and uninstall the app. It requires fewer permissions, is nicer on your battery, and works almost exactly like the native app—you'll barely even notice you're using a

I think that having a limited amount of time does tend to focus a person. However, it seems like so many "day jobs" are different from those of Faulkner and Eliot's days, when you put in your hours and left it at that. So many companies now require overtime to the point where you are working 60+ hours a week, and the

Best-selling author Tom Clancy, best known in the video game world for his work on big franchises like Splinter Cell

320 kbit/s CBR is just a waste of space. V0 VBR does the job as well plus it uses less space.