Uhm...link, please?
Uhm...link, please?
I certainly can’t agree with you on the “trying to find shit to fill their annual hole” thing.
You say it’s dumb, yet you don’t say why. A series changing direction and settings don’t make it necessarily dumb. At the end of the day, the core mechanics of COD (the essence, if you will) remain. A sense of identity. If you don’t like this concept, there will be always another COD next year.
Actually, “no tuvo chiste” has the same meaning as “piece of cake”, an easy task.
It DOES say Samsung. Watch the video in full screen and pause it. Or just open the headline picture, that should do it.
Breath of the Wild seems to have framerate issues while the switch is undocked. (i’m just trolling a bit here....I know this is just a concept video).
What’s with the fake-as-hell blue eyes? He looks like a Barbie or something...
Welcome, Heather! Looking forward to reading lots from you!
On an unrelated note (sorta) I’m surprised that Nintendo recently allowed Axiom’s Verge in the Wii U, given that it’s basically a Metroid fan game.
This is probably a very silly question, but I’m gonna give it a shot anyways: how is HDR different (or better) than those contrast options that come with many current TVs, which basically boost contrast between whites and blacks, making them brighter and darker, respectively?
Given the latest course of events, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo issues a cease and desist notice to Harris, too.
I still don’t get why we insist on calling a bunch of whiney script-kiddies “hackers”.
108+? Sounds like Pokémon....and I don’t like Pokémon. That’s just a first impression, tho’, I might be wrong. You almost convince me already to give it a try.
Whoa, Skyward Sword??? Wrong console, buddy.
Blackroom? More like BlackDOOM?
Have you actually felt one? The Xbox controllers feel way cheaper (too plastic) than the PS4 ones.
“Your phone shouldn’t have a higher resolution display than your smartphone.”
Nothing but excellent news here. Fuck Season Passes.
1.- Persuade Fahey NOT to play Ocarina of Time.
Some of us got a life, you know. Jobs, friends, family and stuff. We can’t spend 8+ hours a day playing. Besides, games are becoming too long (damn you, open world)