
And why would you turn off random encounters? Late in the game you’re gonna need all that XP, and you’re gonna spend time on it anyway even if you speed up the game and grind a bit just to catch up with the level of the enemies. It doesn’t make lot of sense to me.

Konami is finished. Even if it’s not, it’s relevance in the gaming media is over.

To get on the 3D Touch hype-train. That’s why.

But Waze is Google's...

And I never knew why the hell you listed Shovel Knight last week and the week before that. Meh.

Why is Shovel Knight on the list? Did I miss something?

Shovel Knight? What?

Moogles are out because they don’t fit with the game’s atmosphere, but Chocobos do? Fuck logic.

For someone who only played Destiny for a couple of weeks after launch and abandoned it completely, how might the experience with The Taken King be if I decide to come back and start a new game? How much has vanilla Destiny changed (and how the expansions affect the original game)? And most importantly, is it really

What the hell did I just watch???

Another guy commenting without reading the article at all.

It’s interesting how they removed all Kojima (and Productions) references in promo material and box art. However, the Kojima Productions logo and the “A Hideo Kojima Game” title still apear in-game, while booting up.

Famitsu always rates japanese games highly because they are, well, japanese. So it comes as no surprise.

My, my, what a surprise...

You missed Xenoblade Chronicles X.

No, it’s not. Isn’t that the purpose of all trailers? To tease a little bit of story? Besides, Kojima is known for misleading and ambiguous trailers, info and announcements. He likes to play with that kind of stuff. Just go ahead and play the game.

There are no spoilers whatsoever. Just a tease of story like in every goddamn trailer. Go ahead and watch it :)

Spoilers? What spoilers? In that case, every single trailer released so far (and, of course, made by Kojima himself) have “spoilers” (heavy double quotes there).

Pretty sure that “Another Assassin’s Creed” is Revelations. It’s the only one with a white logo against a black background.

4.3 GB??? What the hell???