I’ve downloaded the tool, but when I try to launch it it does nothing...
I’ve downloaded the tool, but when I try to launch it it does nothing...
Metallic? Isn’t the “new red” color (available since launch) metallic-y enough? What’s the difference?
Same here. Gotta love those!
Am I the only one who didn’t like Mark Hamill’s performance? He sounds off....tired, maybe? I enjoyed much more Baker’s performance in Origins (impersonation or not).
Because Reggie “knows very well what kind of games us Americans like”.
1.- Mighty no. 9 isn’t out yet.
Why does it have a tendency to draw dog faces wherever it can?
500GB? That pretty much kills the deal, special edition or not. I’d rather buy a 1TB standard console.
Wait...Wii U and New 3DS? I guess Nintendo is relaxing its non-religious content policy. Either that or Nicalis/McMillen offered a huge sum.of money...
Now, THIS is more like it. What the hell is that Rock the Dragon shit??? Thanks for sharing.
Haha, I know, but this isn’t close to the original intro I grew up to. It’s the first time I hear this one and I was like WTF???
What the hell is this???
Yes it is. Pretty much sums up the clusterfuck the game is.
I can think of one difference. If you preorder a game that turns out to be crappy, you get it day-one (or day-zero) with no chance to do some research and test the game before...hence, you end with a crappy game you don’t want. If you don’t preorder, you have a chance to research the game after launch and decide…
Didn’t you read the article? Rocksteady didn’t handle the port. This isn’t on them.
This “use your GamePad for aiming” thing is unintuitive and uncomfortable at best, imprecise and annoying at worst. Nintendo has been doing this since the Wii U came out, but I’m just hoping them to stop it. Aiming and shooting is best done with a pair of sticks, not by waving a huge controller around. I’m sorry, this…
As you also might expect, there’s still no release date or even a release year—the trailer just says “Now in development,” which is just what they said back at E3 2013. Welp.
Looks like Ubisoft have ditched the nunbering scheme for new titles. Take this as Assassin’s Creed VI, Unity being V. Both are part of the main storyline, Unity being the sequel to both Black Flag and Rogue and Syndicate being the sequel to Unity (ok, that was confusing...)
That’s still nowhere near to “no one”
Says who? You don’t care. Many of us do.