
For me, as a teacher, it’s low paying in that I work about ten hours a day, and that’s not counting the extra shit that I do after I’ve gone home. That makes it come out to about twenty dollars an hour, plus there’s all the extra stuff we buy (like anything in our classroom, for example, like whiteboard markers and

Hello, white teacher here (high school). In my experience, what students need more than a certain skin color is a GOOD TEACHER. Being a certain color doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be better for the job (and this applies to white people as well). Other commenters have also pointed out that teaching is an often

As a former retail/grocery store cashier, I read your comment, wheezed with laughter, and whispered "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" best comment I've read in many moons.

I remember a Cassandra Goth in The Sims...she had a long black dress and glasses and those weird pigtails omg how do I remember this so vividly

Fuck all the "real women do x" shit because nothing is universal for EVERYBODY. I'm the same way! My friend and I were on OkCupid, I got a decent amount of messages, she got like 60 a day. Who knows. I never get approached/hit on, either. Meh. Tis our lot in life.

Hot is the Trivago guy*. I mean, damn. And my best friend does not agree, so fuck this.

tbh the comments on this article are better than the book was i love you guys

On articles like these, I wonder how some commenters would react if the genders were reversed. If a man threw acid on a woman's vagina for doing this, would we think it's so deserved? Reminds me of that article a couple weeks ago about a woman in China who cut off her husband's penis twice. This is the kind of

So the whole "Missy Elliot had a great show" comment...that's shade, right? Am I getting better at this?

The insane thing would be to not do something you're interested in because you're not sure whether or not you'll fail. I've written novels before and even if you don't finish your project, you gave it a shot! Don't worry about publishing and just write for YOU.

I do online dating (with highly debatable levels of success...) and yeah, I just ignore messages from people who I'm not interested in. What's the point of writing back if you don't want to talk, to let them know you're not interested? Seems mean. And I know that it's not all about looks, but I do think that it's

I think something to help keep things in perspective is to realize that you need time to grieve, and not to expect to feel okay after a week or two. Time is really what it takes. Things will suck now, they might even suck for a while, but they won't always suck. You are not Miss Havisham, you are not going to be

Idk for number one I'm stuck on the 6+ foot tall and a gymnast thing...pretty sure gymnasts are like a foot shorter than that. Why am I analyzing this so muchhhh he's obviously Ted Bundy's long lost Indian bro.

I need a GIF of this

Yes and it gets distributed among the friends who attended your wedding.

"Kardouchian" is better than "Kartrashian" thank you for this from the bottom of my heart.

omg "holy cap" my day is made

omg this mulan reference wins literally everything

Honestly, I read somewhere else on the internet that she used to be obsessed with the Jonas Brothers. Seems odd considering I'm younger than her and when they were big (like 08? 09?) I felt too old for them. Could be a rumor..but then I also saw pictures of her with them so it could be true. Why is this how I spend my

Girl, no.