
Don’t say you didn’t see this coming

His career is far from over. He has 2 million followers on Facebook—that’s 500k more than Gizmodo. About half of those 2 mil have appeared after he left Breitbart. He is also the only public figure I know of whose page has more Follows than Likes—usually it’s the other way around. What this means is that he’s

Sometimes hate is just love in denial

He is definitely telling the truth. This has been in the works for a few weeks.

First of all, the rest of Russia is not sending gay people to camps, Chechnya is, so saying the entire country is like that is factually inaccurate.

It’s true. My college roommate from India used a skin-lightening cream called Fair and Lovely.

I’ve met a few people that were seriously into opioids. Not one of them ever considered quitting because of constipation. Opioids seem to radically change one’s perspective on what is and isn’t important, and most of the stuff that isn’t opioids falls into the latter category.

It’s “I am not pizza.” Because they are children, i.e. “not a product for sale” or whatever.

I feel the same. I’ll believe that this could change anything when it happens.

Yes and no. Ducks can mess up a small child without being bigger. But one animal is never as hard to kill as a hundred, regardless of the size.

I hate to say this, but at least it produced evidence. Rapes have an extremely low conviction rate, and in this case it sounds like the video is the only clue police has for even finding these people.

Or, just password-protect your phone

You know many people who’d fap to watching Hulk Hogan?

Sure—because every single Russian is born a scheming criminal. Almost like an evil race.

Not any time soon. They’ll just explain it all away as a “smear tactic” of the “fake media.” Cult members can’t walk away from something that has been their entire life for a while that easily.

Narcissistic personality disorder. Definitely not just the men over 50. Frankly, I can’t imagine someone that old seriously expecting that to work, they should have learned by then.

Guess they made him look like Harry Potter to seem more innocent.

Then if you are American then Trump is your fault and you are no better than the German kid in the movie. Worse, actually, because he didn’t choose either Hitler or being in Hitler Youth, while you can vote and could have prevented Trump—but didn’t.

I hope you realize that applies to us liberals too. It’s easy (and satisfying) to write Trumpsters off as non-humans. But as far as the world is concerned, all Americans are equally responsible for Trump—therefore not human. “All Americans” includes the author of the article. So if none of us are any better than the

You are free to believe that the 20% or whatever that voted for Trump are inhuman monsters—completely unlike yourself. But unless you plan to physically exterminate them all, you still have to share the country with them. So good luck trying to keep your daughter from dating a son of one of the monsters some day.