alienne 2.0 (Lost PW)

The squishy thing is what “lots of money” is.

While I don’t normally argue against people spending their own discretionary income on whatever they please, it’s hard not to read this story and think it’s never been clearer that we live in essentially a caste system where certain financial tiers are so far removed from each other that the most basic values and

“Some people are very uncomfortable about teenagers transitioning…”

As a teacher I am (rightfully) a mandated reporter if I see or receive any evidence of abuse/assault. An 11-yr old self-reporting sending nudes to an online predator? I’d lose my job and face potential charges for ignoring it.

I saw a Graham Norton episode with Swift and Turner. It seemed that they each found the other good company. It is possible to be friends without having ulterior motives.

Women do not think about men all the time and spend all of our time plotting revenge. 

If we defund the police, who’ll show up six hours after they’re needed, fill shit out on a clipboard, and never follow up?

Wut? You care, why? Aside from some weird fixation on a woman you’re never gonna meet. 

Zero proof? What are you wanting? Eye witnesses? A blood and semen stained dress? Multiple victims reported their rape at the time to ethics officers within Scientology, and the prosecution was able to obtain those ethics reports. One also went to the police in 2004, and that spooked Masterson enough that he

I don’t think Hillary Clinton has ever been accused of rape though. There’s kind of an important difference between suppprting someone who has been accused of rape and supporting someone who has not been accused of rape, don’t you think?

Yeah cancel culture is totally a thing. Yep. Clearly we're never gonna hear from this guy again. 

“Masterson accuser Chrissie Carnell Bixler . . . wrote in an Instagram story on Friday directed at Kutcher that ‘you’re just as sick as your ‘mentor,’ meaning Masterson.”

I am not going to address the bizarre comparison that you are making with minorities on death row in particular, given US history of racial policing, racist criminal justice systems and the ridiculous amount of those minorities who were innocent and spent all of their lives behind bars, awaiting a death sentence and

Let’s not conflate expecting friends to “immediately denounce” those who do bad things with expecting them to refrain from making public statements discrediting the victims. I know there are those who expect the former as well, but there is a distinction worth making here.

She’s a good rep. Although she’s no longer at the front of Republican’s hatred, she’s still an incredibly effective general who can get troops in order and move legislation through. She made it clear that she’s wanted to retire before shit hit the fan in 2016. Since then, she has delayed her own retirement and put

Respectfully, fuck off with this take. Riding coattails? There are lots of legit criticisms you can make about Nancy Pelosi and lots of real reasons for her to retire. And I know most people don’t pay attention to the inside baseball stuff that happens in Congress, but who the fuck do you think was actually doing the

I agree that there should be an overall generational shift to younger representatives, but I’m not going to suggest that one of the most effective politicians of our time (especially as a defense against the last administration) should step down.   Overall, her removal would be a net loss to Congress.  She would be

Why? She’s in much better shape than Feinstein. You really need to start adulting. 

Why is no one asking Bernie Sanders to go away? He’s older and considerably less effective than Pelosi.

Feeling guilty here. I used to mock Celine Dion when I first became aware of her in the ‘90s. Too dramatic, too haughty, too un-self aware for this cynic here. I don’t know if it was her opening up or me just maturing, but at some point I realized that she actually has a great sense of humor and self-awareness and

I mean, I’m pretty happy to get rid of the triple digit temperatures and the triple digit electricity bills, soooooo......