
When my FIL was in his 70s, he asked my MIL to buy him a porno magazine for that very purpose. They lived in the sticks and this was before internet porn. My FIL is a real jerk, all Mr. Big Man, and he spent his life tormenting my Chess Club and math-loving husband calling him a girl, a pussy, etc. MIL is also an ass

And can you imagine if a couple of black women admitted to such a thing?  Laura I. would be calling for their heads!

Isn’t anyone else worried about what the kids are going to do to the house while mom & dad are in jail? 

I know you’re right, but this close to Pesach, all bets are off.  As a Jew, this kind of person makes me totally crazy.  MOSES WOULD NOT APPROVE!

Add my Jewish family, too, please!

Ariel Sharon is rolling in his grave. z”l Bibi is a thug and his own family is likely embarrassed by him. He will be remembered as a murderer and a bully.  There is nothing about modern Judaism that sanctions this behavior and when Israel is full of Jared Kushners and people like me refuse to send their children on

100% agree. I have a niece who is mentally ill, trying to kick alcohol and drugs, and makes terrible decisions on an hourly basis. My sister has said emphatically that she will never ask her to leave. I totally get it.

I’ve lost track of how many Christian kids have attended Friday night Shabbat services at our Temple who were surprised we didn’t bake matzoh with Christian blood or that we didn’t have well-concealed horns.

To us, maybe, but to OJ, self-promotion is second nature.

Aw, thanks!  Let’s face it, OJ (ha ha ha) is the hottest girl-kid going right now.  I would love to see clips where Aunt Becky tries to talk to her and she stares into the distance a la April Ludgate with her hand out for her monthly check.  Imagine the season where she makes an appearance at USC to give a talk about

Proposition: we create a “second act” for Olivia Jade and pitch it to her. I was just thinking that she could go dark; not completely, but enough to pull in the cynical teen demographic and from there, she could take a slow road back to “cute influencer.” Your idea of the reality show is gold - she starts out shilling

This happens in what you would think is a barren Kansas landscape.  Our beautiful fields of sunflowers, trampled; our beautiful Konza Prairie, littered with trash.  We don’t deserve nature and I cannot imagine the long sigh of relief from plants and animals when humans finally disappear, no matter how long it takes.

Parents of teens: finessing the Cardi B “okurrr” is one of the most effective way to both surprise and embarrass your child into silence.

Folks, look for an uptick in parental murder rates in the next 20 years.  Kids, please note that if I’m on the jury, you’re free to go.

Behold: my beloved.

Be strong!  Or, plan a “cheat” day.  

Hmmm. Never mind.

Red onions do not belong on Mexican food - white onions only.

I wonder if Jimmy Hoffa is the first thing that pops into one’s mind when one is of a certain age (that age being my own)? The first time I heard the name was in junior high school when someone had written “Jimmy Hoffa” in the front card as being that year’s owner of the textbook.

You made it ten seconds longer than I did!