
One of our children enjoyed challenging films … the other, to this day, doesn't. They're both smart and, now, accomplished as adults. As you said, whatever they may be ready for (maybe sometimes with a tweak).

… you think Milligan is heading in a non-violent direction? I'm figuring he'll be the head of a Halliburton type company when we next see him.

I enjoyed
the show a great deal. The cast was really, really good. But the
cute-for-the-sake-of-being-cute camera work and heavy-handed
selection of music spoiled it more than a little bit.

… awesome.

… and that he would take his child to see it, … if he had one. "Reginald, we will be going to see Schindlers List after you've finished your Camus. Please don't dawdle. … Reginald, REGINALD! … desist your complaining at once; it's a fine film, there are plenty of children like you in it."

I didn't hear him as snarly - engagingly curmudgeonly at worst. This was a delightful conversation, IMO. Diverse points of view represented without rancor and in an open, non-defensive manner. Really good stuff, helping the viewer gain a broader perspective. Need much more of this … yes?

Every character shines in this series - what a great show. So good,
that something pretty petty is beginning to bother me: the background
music is too literal this season - too heavy handed. In the Coen
movies, it's the melody that sets the tone more than the lyrics. Same
for the first season of the TV show. But