
Do you mean folks like Susan Sarandon who wanted Trump to win because they thought it would create a progressive revolution in the long term, damn the consequences to people in the short term? Yes, they are to blame. I really blame liberals who sat home because they thought Clinton was just as bad/Trump wouldn’t be as

Maybe. I saw at least one headline somewhere today claiming that they don’t care about the midterms if they can stack the court. They’re smarter than us that way. 

Seriously. The federal government requires background investigations for entry level jobs, temps, and student internships. Bart couldn’t get any of those, so he shouldn’t be given a lifetime appointment.

I wonder if “limited” is their code meaning they won’t go so far as talking to Mike Judge or any of the other 3? 4? women who have also accused him of assault/rape.

So basically the even bigger entitled assaulting crybaby White guy got upset he was getting more airtime than him right?


The Verge thankfully made the right statement

Sarah Jeong is one of the best writers in the field and the Times is lucky to have her. Also, she can clearly take care of herself on Twitter. The Nazis were obviously trying to make this another Quinn Norton “ERMAGERD SHE RACIST” case where the Times would fire her. Thankfully, they didn’t. I don’t really see any

“[My tweets] were not aimed at a general audience, because general audiences do not engage in harassment campaigns.”

What’s with Jez’s clickbait headlines today? This is the third headline that it utterly belied by the content of the story. The Times (for all it’s many, many, MANY faults) didn’t capitulate to the racist trolls, it literally stood by her .

The headline doesn’t seem to match the story? “Capitulates” suggests they fired her, when they actually released a statement of support. Total clickbait.

He smells more like a Dogpile kind of guy.

Dear Democrats: I live in a forever red state and you need to fucking work for the rest of morons votes that live here.

ASK JEEVES is his real true love

Why does everybody in this town still use Alta Vista?

But he is so used to Alta Vista!

Ocasio-Cortez might have a nice cellphone and a nice TV so clearly she’s never been poor or can empathize with the poor! What a fraud! /s

Hey John,