
Solange is a very underrated artist. I love Beyonce but Solange deserves love too and I hope this is a hit.

Hillary just got an endorsement from the Arizona Republic - the first time in their 126-year history they have endorsed a Democrat for President.

Agreed. It comes across as try-hard but if it gets even one person to the polls it worked.

For some odd reason I am now craving popcorn.

I miss this show so much!

I love Serena and I’m glad she’s been speaking out about this. There has been so much shit thrown at her that the fact that she’s remained relatively composed is beyond my comprehension. I don’t know how she does it.

Trump is on record as saying that American wages are too high and workers make too much money which is why jobs are going overseas. Of course when he was called on it by Bernie Sanders he denied he said it (as usual), but he let his real intentions out.

The only missed opportunity for Hillary (and Lester Holt) was in the beginning of the debate when they were talking jobs and trade, they should have hit Trump with the fact he makes many of his products in China. I know she has an ad on it but not everyone has seen that ad.

I’m about to get ready for work and I am listening to a radio morning show (whose hosts are usually pretty sensible) and they called the debate a “tie”. Also, the people calling in are claiming that they hate both candidates and that both were an embarrassment last night. Some have said they won’t even vote at all.

Trump is claiming that his sniffles were the result of a “defective” mic. Also, he skipped out on a big after-party that he was advertised for because even Trump knew he failed miserably tonight.

He’s rightfully getting dragged over this ridiculous statement. His twitter mentions are in ruins. What an idiot.

On the issue of cybersecurity all he talked about were the admirals and generals supporting him, 400-pound hackers, and his 10-year-old son being good at computers.

You could tell Lester Holt was irritated. I guarantee he wanted to get off his chair and give Trump a smack.

Hillary has had 30 years of people yelling at her, criticizing her, and 15 years of debate experience. Trump isn’t used to people fact-checking him and hitting him with facts. He’s used to fawning coverage where people kiss his ass and tell him he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I eagerly await the media to breathlessly give 24/7 nonstop coverage to Trump’s sniffles. Hey guys, maybe he’s DYING!

This debate made me weep for humanity. Hillary came across as smart and polished while Trump came across as a coked-up madman. And there are still millions upon millions of people who will vote for this human cheeto.

I’m hoping this motivates people to get out and vote Hillary so that the lunatic can’t become President. I’m hoping this is a kick in the ass so we don’t get complacent.

The Daily Show had interviews with Trump supporters a week or so ago and it left me speechless. One guy was convinced that Obama was President on September 11, 2001 and wanted to know why he was “hiding” when the attacks took place. This was not a joke, this guy was dead serious.

Pretty much.