
She retweeted this:

I am team anyone who calls Taylor on her bs. Not to mention, I love that he brought up the Katy feud (Taylor is team feminism only when she’s the one being torn down) AND of course Katy’s Hilary gif.


But she claims she was hurt that he said he didn’t think they would work together on music and that’s why she broke up with him. She wanted it to be a secret or she wouldn’t have used a fake name. So she’s lying to make him look bad.

At the time it was modest, but to come out about it now is clearly to make it seem like he wasn’t giving her credit at the time (and he’s implying that wasn’t the case)

After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:

Are you being serious right now?

k bye

I LOVE that Celebitchy and other sites are calling them “Tiddles.” It just perfectly encompasses the smarmy, saccharine, basic-ness of it all.

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

She can do better.

You can tell he’s constantly pulling this bait-and-switch nonsense and then blaming her for not reading his inconsistent mind. He’s not good in bed. This much is obvious.

The thing is, he wanted chicken, she bought him chicken, she asked if he wanted pizza, he said no, he nibbled hers, pretended he didn’t want any, and then ate the original fucking thing anyway when she bought herself a whole other slice. This fucking guy is too much work, he’s a goddamned liar, and he can fuck off

I know the answer! They’re written by boners, for boners.

Really bad time for a tangent. A black man was just murdered by the police.

God the nationalism in this country is fucking ridiculous. FUCKING RIDICULOUS. And guess what? SOLDIERS AREN’T ALWAYS HEROES. Everybody can kiss my ass!

Never forget the p.c. that America embraces: patriotic correctness. Shout out to the troops. They’re keeping America safe. Take your hat off. Sing God Bless America. Don’t question the trillion dollar Pentagon budget. Are those colors running? Well they shouldn’t be.

Caitlyn is the worst, so I would definitely pay to not hear her talk about how Trump is better for women than any Democrat if I had the money.

Thank you for finally posting the unaltered original.