
I’m cringing so hard whenever I see a picture of those two - even the way they hold hands looks desperate and weirdly creepy. There’s just zero chemistry there.


I am against guns, so I say this clearly in exasperation about how men — and especially exes with restraining orders, it seems — are fatal to women:

twitter is giving me life with all this mess going on

It’s the fact that everything in her life seems to be perfectly manufactured and she always seems to place herself as the victim, that’s what bothers me.

So expressing a desire to physically harm a child under your care and calling them fucking idiots is totes cool?

“You’ve Just Voted to Leave the EU. You Won’t BELIEVE What Happens Next...”

Buzzfeed Quiz. If he were an ice cream he’d be a Dilly Bar.

Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

This is such a bad move, I’m so ashamed of my country. This move shows how hate can motivate people to make stupid decisions. Please remember that very nearly half of us didn't make this decision. I feel sick...

I am sitting here, at dawn, watching my country put worker’s rights, human rights, equality and protection for the disabled, and the UK economy on a bonfire, for the sake of some Union-jack-bunting “patriotism”, on the say-so of ghouls like Farage and Duncan-Smith. (Whatever happens next won’t touch them. They will

So can we talk about how Nigel Farage should be mowed down by a double decker bus? CAUSE YEAH.

1212: “How can you... How can you seriously think the Muslims of the Holy Land can resist the unstoppable force that are these children?! Look at them. They’re poor. They’re tired. They’re hungry. They’ve got the good lord in heaven backing them up. No chance for the Holy Land. They’ll be taking communion in 5, and

“Skip, I am SICK AND TIRED of listening to you bloviate about David. I know he is the anointed son of the Israelites and I know he is the royal armor bearer of Saul, BUT he’s about to go up against the bad man that is Goliath. Goliath in the two rounds.”

“Axis in 6" slayed me.

1962: “There is zero percent chance these United States under the tandem of The Kennedy brothers will ever, you hear me, EVER, make any agreement with Khrushchev and the U.S.S.R. You try’n to tell me that the man responsible for the Bay of Pigs will resolve this missile crisis? That is udder ignorance. There’s no

Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:

He is, however, 6-for-6 when it comes to screaming his predictions in a condescending tone.

LeBron is way the best basketball player in the world, and has been for every moment of his NBA career.