
Detox was referring to Willam and not Sharon, FYI

I don't understand why Kim's decision to not tell her mother is "absurd" but okay.

For the record, Kim's mother knows that Kim is gay, just not a drag queen.

Chicago Fun Fact: Kim Chi hosted Drag Race tonight at Roscoe's, along with Bob, Naomi, Trannika Rex, and NICOLE PAIGE BROOKS FROM ATLANTA GEORGIA. NPBFAG took the read as a compliment because Naomi is thin and young and gorgeous.

I'm good for at least three cries a year over the death of Phil Hartman. I don't think I'll ever get over it.

Jim Hobart is that you?!?!

I am a boring straight married lady who has never had any desire for women who finds Justin Bieber's infantile machismo detestable. Having said that, I very much wouldn't mind at all having a make out dream with Kate McKinnon as Justin Bieber.