
I keep hoping that now that the Carrie Diaries is cancelled they'll bring back Wilke. He was the best.

I was shocked (shocked!) that they didn't choose to use Megan Prescott as Carter's twin. But hey, I guess some twins just don't want to play twins for the rest of their lives. Also, totally feel you on that Skins fan thing - I get abnormally excited every time I see one of them doing well in something (Gendry (Joe

I swear to glob, PLL, if you ruin Caleb, I will hunt you down and kill you. It's a fine line between jerk-mysterious-hot and just plain jerk, and Caleb was well over it last night. Travis is a snore. Haleb forever.

My biggest problem was with how borderline stereotypical all of the characterization was. "Here's the dumb American wife!" says the show, "And look how terrible all these Arabs are! OMG they treat women so badly!". There's so little nuance in these characters, it's really disappointing.

Bring back Toby, and make him so, so much less boring please! His whole relationship with Nikki was a snoozefest. Even them getting married was boring.