
I was in this exact place. And then we started trying for a baby. And now we’ve picked it up and even though I start with the intention of just getting it done, I always end up loving it.

so yes. I went through a period where my sex drive was much higher than his, and we are now in a period where his is higher than mine. In a long term relationship you will have lots of highs and lows and sometimes they don’t meet up. As long as you are both still interested and trying to meet the others needs without

Thing is, you can start a relationship with seemingly the same libido and frequency preferences. And then one of you changes (me) and it throws things a bit off, but do you abandon your marriage because of it? no. You work through it.

I’m one of the shrugger offers, although I’d say I have quite a high sex drive and would happily ravage Mr Hamsters on a daily basis. He’s got PTSD though, with long bouts of anxiety and depression, which completely kill his libido. The last time we had sex was December last year. I’m not saying I don’t miss sex but,

I really want to have sex all the time until I realize how much work it entails, and then I suggest simply watching an episode of one of our favorite shows. Oh, and wine.

Oh my god.. this is the most perfect gif anyone could’ve posted for this post.

It seems the argument over cultural appropriation has hit peak eye roll. First, it’s not a good thing to wear cornrows when white because you are calling the style something different (chic braids according to some magazines), taking away it’s identity, ignoring the people who started it, and engaging in cultural

I’ve always enjoyed, “thunderously dumb”. But yours rolls well off the tongue.

Honestly, he looks like the end of the stick butter I rubbed all over my toast the other day and filled with breadcrumbs.

Trump is holding a mirror up to America. But instead of being horrified of what they’re seeing, these folks are saying. “Yeah! That’s a good look!”

Like, I don’t even understand her face, you guys.

Thanks! Yeah, I don’t feel like waiting anymore and I don’t think he’s capable of ever seeing it. The women he gets FEELINGS for are all uniformly awful and I’m not saying that from a place of jealousy, they legitimately are not kind or good people. He’s still thinking with just his dick so....have fun with that you

I’m loving the comments from people who don’t realize this is a song. #Iamalsoanold :)


The only thing that could make it better is he if turned out to have an Ashley Madison account.

I’m not ashamed to admit that if that guy was in line in front of me, I would set him on fire.

Most of the time it is cheaper and less time consuming to just give the shitty person what they want, so that they go away faster. This is basicly every large chains customer servce policy. Unfortunately shitty people also know this, and it encourages them to be even shittier, creating a shit cycle. Eventually all

you really shouldn’t be operating a segway while stoned anyway