
I say this a lot but I too feel like the emotional intricacies of what it means to be a white dude have been covered extensively. We have a movie about a sad rich white guy and a movie about a sad poor white guy. We’ve had movies about evil white guys and benevolent white guys. The full spectrum of their humanity has

I have never wanted to see a film less than I want to see La La Land.

No, it’s not reasonable to ask women to wear tiny dresses and dance around a rapist who specifically targets women who look like they do.

Here’s one more:

Hillary Clinton

No Hills? Really, kids? Here’s a woman whose worst affront to humanity continues to be that she’s a woman. Ambitious, brilliant, wonky, and, despite the fact that she’s been surrounded by a panoply of assholes for the better part of five decades, STILL wanted to be President. The fact that she won the popular vote by

I’d also like to point out that there was a woman who won the popular vote for president of the United States by nearly 3 million votes despite liberal news sites like this one taking giant shits on her for over a year during the primaries.

Hillary for trying. And losing to the worst person and not killing herself immediately.

I know this is “light-hearted,” but what a confusing list, especially on a day like this one, in a year like this one. I for one am sick of seeing irony and honesty mixed in this unappealing way.  “sheroes.”

The sense of entitlement with abusive men is at the root of this.

You are. Go away.

Chrissy Teigan is beautiful and witty and eloquent so you shut your mouth.

Also I am real f*cking tired of the narrative that we shouldn’t have stigmas follow the perpetrators for the rest of their life. F*ck that noise 

I am sick. I just want to hug this poor child and let him know I am so sorry the world is so ugly and violent.


This Kinja sounds really smart if you don’t think about it for more than 10 seconds

His voice is beautiful and melty and makes me feel things in my pants area. But I can agree he doesn’t have the resonance of opera by a long shot.

You’re comparing raping someone to flipping the bird.

Well, I mean, this wasn’t a minor offense that you wouldn’t want to ruin an athlete’s life over, like punching a woman in the face or raping them.